Seth Clearwater | Someone Else's Wedding

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By : wiltingdaisies | Tumblr

words: 2,646
dialogue prompt: "if i ever see you anywhere near her, you'll have to deal with me."
character: seth clearwater
fandom: twilight


    I have never felt as lonely as I do right now ever before in my life. Especially now that all my friends are in relationships. In high school, I didn't date that much. I never really saw the point in wasting time with guys who were too busy trying to get laid than actually devote time to a real relationship. Now, though, I've graduated from high school and I still haven't managed to find a guy more interested in me than my body.

I flip over the wedding invitation in my hand, absentmindedly, sighing softly to myself. Yet another reminder of my crippling singleness. An invitation to my best friend's wedding. I toss the invitation onto my kitchen counter and drag a hand through my hair, mumbling under my breath as I walk to my room, "Lucky brat."

I pull my phone out of my pocket and sit on my bed, calling my best friend to congratulate her. I pick at my fingernails as I wait for her to answer. Finally, her cheery voice greets me from the other end of the phone and I smile a little. I can hear the way she's glowing, "Hey, (y/bff/n)! I wanted to call and tell you congratulations! I'm so happy that you're getting married."

"Aw, thanks! Can you believe I have a high school sweetheart," the swoon in her voice was evident as she spoke, "You'll come to the wedding won't you? I forgot to ask you sooner, but I want you to be a bridesmaid in the wedding!"

"Well, when you put it like that, how could I say no?" I laugh to myself and she laughs along too.

"I kinda already got you a dress and everything. It matches all the other bridesmaids', but it's a color you'll like and I tried not to pick anything too over the top for you. We're getting married here in Forks, so at least you don't have to go too far!"

I hum softly, almost zoning out completely when I see a group of shirtless boys running along the treeline, "Yeah. I'll come over tomorrow to make sure the dress fits and everything."

"Sounds great. I'm glad you called, (y/n). And you're already paired with one of the groomsmen for the wedding. A mutual friend of Ryan and I's. He lives down at the reservation and I think you'll really like him." (Y/bff/n) smirks as she speaks and I groan, rubbing my face and finally tearing my eyes away from the boys running near the forest.

"You seriously don't have to do that. Seriously. Remember the last time you tried to set me up with someone you thought I'd really like? He ended up being a complete jerkwad. No thank you. I think our taste in men is quite different. Not that Ryan's a jerkwad, just that he's not my type."

"I'm serious, (y/n)," (y/bff/n) giggles, "I promise this guy is really sweet! You'll like him. Even if it's just as friends!"

As I'm about to answer, I hear (y/bff/n) yell at Ryan, "Ryan! Be careful! Let me help you! I'm sorry, (y/n), we'll talk more tomorrow. I have to keep Ryan from killing himself before the wedding."

"Yeah, I'll talk to you later, (y/bff/n). Bye." I hang up the phone and snap it shut, tossing it on my bed. I glance toward my window again, hoping to catch a glimpse of the group of boys again. But due to my luck, they're already long gone and have disappeared somewhere in the forest.


 Time passes and, finally, it's time for the rehearsal dinner. I feel honored to be a part of my best friend's wedding, especially since she's always been popular with people and is pretty much friends with everyone. As we're eating dinner, Ryan's phone buzzes from where it lies face down on the table. He grabs it, excusing himself once he sees who's calling. When he comes back to the table, he whispers in (y/bff/n)'s ear and she looks worried before standing to come talk to me.

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