Emmett Cullen | Fated Mate (VII)

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By : it-was-all-a-beautiful-dream | Tumblr

Warnings: Swearing

Word count :1.1k

Okay so before you read, I feel like this was almost like a filler section, however I don't know if I should finish the series here or not. Please let me know what you think, should I continue it? If I do what do you want to see..... Please let me know xxxx


-Your POV-

It was searing, your whole body felt like it had been thrown into an open flame. Your muscles contracting, your body falling to the floor. Emmett was pissed, the rest of the Cullens were yelling at Jane to stop while Bella tried to wrap her shield around you. You were pissed, you could feel the anger bubbling inside of you, you heard Aro giggle as the pain subsided, Bella's shield now protecting you against Jane's powers, Jane's face was a picture.

Who did that bitch think she was, powerful? She hadn't seen powerful yet. Emmett tried to grab your arm but you shook him off and pushed him back a little, a wave of anger consuming you. You could hear Carlisle in the background shouting at you to not retaliate but it was too late. You channeled all of your energy towards the bitch in the black cape and everyone gasped as Jane was lifted into the air by an invisible force, it was like she was tied up in ropes, her arms stuck down to her sides, you smirked as Aro, Caius and Marcus looked at you with astonishment. You screamed and flicked your wrist, sending Jane flying back through the air and into the tree line.

"Does anyone else want to try anything?" You glared angrily at the cloaked figures. It was the first time you'd seen vampires look nervous. "I didn't think so." You turned and took Emmett's hand, walking back to your family. You were still shaking, you were also a little giddy, you can believe you did that, you were so powerful. It was in that moment that you knew you had been destined to be a vampire. Just as you had retreated you heard Rose and the others shouting, you quickly turned, seeing Jane running full speed towards you across the snow. Didn't she learn her lesson.

"Babe don't do anything stupid." Emmett growled out, he placed you behind him a little, getting ready to protect you from the pissed off guard. You stood behind Emmett willingly, your chest resting against his back.

"I'm gonna stand right here Em I promise." And you did. You stood still, waiting. You thought in your mind. "Don't move." Edward looked towards you.

"Y/N says don't move!" Edward yells out and as Jane reached Emmett she froze. It was like she had been caught in a freeze beam. Frozen solid in front of the Cullen line. You stepped out from behind Emmett batting your eyelashes, Rose laughed out loud.

"I told you i'd stand right here." You laughed and watched as Alice and Jasper walked towards Aro, Jane still frozen in time in front of you and your boyfriend. It was calm when Alice approached Aro, although you could see the rest of the vampires eyes trained on you, it looked like they weren't that interest in Renesmee anymore. You don't know what Alice had showed Aro, but it was enough to rattle him. Alice and Jasper retreated as Aro announced that they would be taking their leave, no rules had been broken here. You released Jane from her hold and she glared at you, but Aro's command was law, so she basically retreated with her tail between her legs, glancing at you one more time.

"This isn't over newborn, you better watch your back." She threatened you and Emmett's fists clenched, you wrapped your arms around his waist.

"Oh Jane i'm shaking in my boots." You winked at her which pissed her off even more, but she still retreated. That would be something you'd deal with another day you thought. Just as you thought everything was over and the Volturi would be retreating, Aro made one last announcement.

"As we can see, the child is no threat, and now of no interest to us, however. Y/N, you're the most powerful vampire we have ever seen, join us. If you don't, we promise we will be back for you eventually". He bowed his head, giving you time to consider his offer.

"Thanks for the offer but i'm good where I am." You weren't about to leave your family and mate for the likes of the Volturi. Ciaus glared at you.

"Petulant girl, you should be grateful for the opportunity to join us." His wrath was felt by the many surrounding him. But all you could do was shrug. Aro smirked.

"Very well, Y/N has made up her mind, there will be no fight here today, Carlisle, Cullens, be seeing you." He nod his head in our direction once and again and then in a flash they were all gone. It was over, for now.

-A few Hours later-

You couldn't believe that it was all over. You as well as every other vampire that had been present at the battle field were gathered in the Cullens living room. After you had all cheered and hugged, celebrated the victory, it felt strange.

"You know this won't be the end of it... we humiliated the Volturi, the kings of the vampire world, they're not going to let that go lightly." Edward was right, as much as you hadn't known about vampire life for long, you could tell that it wasn't the outcome they had hopped for, and eventually, they would try and get their revenge.

"Well, when the time comes we will be ready." Emmett spoke up, seeing him all defensive and confident turned you on. If vampires could blush your would be. Edward gave you a knowing eye roll. "Did everyone see how amazing my girl was though, god that was impressive!" Emmett hooted and spun you around while the others laughed. Benjamin gave you a wink, if it wasn't for him, you don't know if you would have been ready enough to use your powers.

"If it wasn't for Benjamin and Jasper's training I don't know if I would have been any help today, thank you." You smiled at both of the men.

You knew you still had a long way to go, that was just the tip of the iceberg for your abilities. You couldn't wait to figure out all of the amazing things you could do if you put your mind to it. Right now thought, you were grateful to be here, surrounded by the family you never knew you needed. In the arms of someone you never thought would notice you, but fate was obviously on your side, as you had both been bound for each other from the start.

You knew that no matter what the Volturi threw at you, if you had Emmett by your side, you could conquer anything and you'd finally never feel alone again.


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