Paul Lahote | Love Hurts

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By : ineedmorefanfics2 | Tumblr

Summary: Paul's anger gets in the way of date night.
Warnings: LOTS of swearing

"Why do you always have to have a problem!?" Y/N growled out as she slammed the passenger door closed.

"My only problem is you!" Paul seethed. "And don't slam my fucking doors!"

"I'll slam whatever I want!" She emphasized by closing the front door of their apartment in his face.

{A few hours earlier...}

It was Friday evening, annual date night for Y/N and Paul, and they had made plans to go to the new restaurant down the street from their apartment. At the moment, they were currently trying to find Paul a nice shirt, since most of his were shredded or too small.

"What about this one? Red makes your eyes pop." Y/N mumbled as she sorted through the clothing.

"Uh... sure?" Paul queried as he stuck his hands in his pockets. "Whatever you like."

"You're not even paying attention are you?" Y/N asked with a giggle.

"No not really. I don't really think of clothes, especially not shirts." He wriggled his eyebrows as he nudged her shoulder.

"Alright Tarzan, how about I pick out the shirt while you go get us some shakes." She teased as she bumped him with her hip.

"Sounds like a plan." He said, giving her a peck on the lips before heading towards the food court.

Y/N hummed, continuing to sort through the racks of clothing, her eyes landing on a royal blue button up.

"That's so cute!" A voice behind her squealed, making Y/N turn around.

She was met with Alice and Jasper Cullen, two kids from her school, who also just so happened to be vampires.

"Alice! Jasper! I haven't seen you guys in ages!" Y/N smiled, giving them a hug.

"I know! It's been too long, you need to come over again!" Alice beamed. "What are you doing here?"

"Well me and Paul are going out tonight and he needed a new shirt so we decided to stop at the mall. He's getting us shakes at the moment. What about you two?" She asked.

"Alice wanted some new fabrics for some designs she's making, and I decided to tag along." Jasper responded, a hint of a southern drawl.

"That was sweet of you."

A throat clearing caught the attention of the group. Paul, who was glaring at the two vampires, held two shakes in his hands. "Didn't know the bloodsuckers were going to be here." He scoffed.

Y/N sent the couple an apologetic look as she grabbed her shake and subtlety kicked Paul in the leg. "Neither did I but I'm glad their here." She reprimanded, a bite to her tone.

Paul rolled his eyes. "Speak for yourself." He met Jasper's eye, a low growl emitting from the back of his throat. "You got a fucking problem?"

"Paul stop."

"Do you want there to be a problem?"


"What are you going to do leech?"

"Just drink your damn shake and shut up Paul." Y/N hissed at him.

"Don't tell me what to do." He challenged.

"Well then stop being an asshole."

"I'm the asshole? Atleast I don't feed on people." He sneered.

Alice chuckled awkwardly. "We should get going." She said, pulling on Jasper's arm.

"It was nice to see you Y/N... you too Paul." Jasper added before the couple sped off.

"Um, yeah." Y/N replied, though they were already gone. She turned towards her boyfriend, throwing the shirt in his arms. "I'll be in the fucking car." She growled.

"Oh don't be like that!" He groaned.

"Excuse me!? You're the one being an asshole to my friends!" The two had attracted a small amount of onlookers.

"They'll get over it. I don't even know why you hang out with them." He huffed.

"Well their better company than you, that's for fucking sure." She barked.

One of the clerks came up to the two, clearing her throat. "Is everything alright over here?" She asked.

"Yes, I was just leaving." Y/N turned on her heel and stormed away.

Paul clenched his fists as he threw the shirt to the sales lady and followed after his girlfriend.

"Stupid fucking asshole." Y/N muttered to herself.

"I can still hear you!" Paul yelled.

"Good!" She quipped as she made her way to the car, getting in the passengers seat and buckling up.

Paul copied her movements, getting into the driver's seat. "You're being a drama queen." He said as he drove out of the parking lot, venom dripping from his tongue.

"A drama queen!? You're the one being an asshole for no fucking reason! You're always like this!"

"You know why I don't like them!"

"It's not like I invited them! And they weren't even doing anything! They were just saying hi!"

"Just saying 'Hi' my ass."

"I don't want to listen to you right now." Y/N grumbled as she turned on the radio.

Ten minutes later, Paul pulled into the parking lot of their apartment building, getting out of the car.

"Why do you always have to have a problem!?" Y/N growled out as she slammed the passenger door closed.

"My only problem is you!" Paul seethed. "And don't slam my fucking doors!"

"I'll slam whatever I want!" She emphasized by closing the front door of their apartment in his face.

The shake Paul had been holding spilt on his shirt. "Fuck!" Paul swore as he opened the door, body quivering as his anger grew. "You're always so fucking difficult!"

"Yeah I'm the one that's difficult." Y/N sarcastically remarked.

"Sometimes... sometimes I wish I'd never met you!" Paul spat.

The apartment went silent, their breathing the only thing heard.

"Then leave."


Y/N turned to face him, tears threatening to spill. "I said leave!"

Paul's heart stopped. "W-wait, baby no! I didn't mean it." He pleaded as he ran up to her, cupping her cheeks and thumbs wiping away her tears.

She looked away from him, a sniffle escaping her.

"Please look at me. I-I'm sorry. Please."

She wiped her nose with her sleeve before glancing at him.

"I'm sorry I'm so angry all the time. I don't know why I'm so angry. Maybe it's the wolf? But I'll get help I promise. Just please, I can't leave you." A few tears slipped down his cheeks as he cradled her to his chest. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." He repeated it over like a mantra.

They stayed like that for a few minutes before Y/N spoke. "I don't want you to leave."

"I'm not going anywhere unless you make me."

"I'm sorry I said that stuff to you." She mumbled into his neck.

"I deserved it."

"No you didn't."

He kissed the top of her head before letting her go.

"L-let's order a pizza and stay inside instead." She said as she wiped her eyes before taking a deep breath.

"I like that idea."

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