Paul Lahote | Love You More (III)

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By : marvelatthetwilight | Tumblr


"I just don't understand why I'm sitting out here, in the cold. Where is Paul? What's going on Jared?" Just as Jared is about to speak, Sam appears from the path.

"We had a few issues in the kitchen, so there's been a change of plans, we're just going to hang out here until we can get everything ready. How's your day been Y/N?" Sam attempts to distract Y/N from her suspicions as he catches a glimpse of Kim at the door, giving him the thumbs up.

Y/N doesn't let go of her suspicions, but she's excited to talk to her friend about her job, and she chats away about the strange incidents she had helped with that week. She was most fascinated by the different reports of larger than life wolves in the forest, and she shared her suspicions with the group about what kind of animal it must be.

The pack exchange glances, and Jared smirks, about to share his own insight, when Embry returns up the path to let Sam know the animal problem had been dealt with. "Some tourist had let their huge dog off its leash and it ran away, it's reunited now though so we are back on track!"

"Great, Y/N, let's head down to the beach now." Jared says excitedly as he grabs Y/N's hand and pulls her up from her seated position on the floor.

"I'm assuming the answer is no I can't go and see Emily and Kim first?" She whispers to Jared, who laughs and shakes his head.

"This will be worth it, I promise."

Jared holds out his arm to Y/N and they link, walking towards the path, sharing suspicions about the strange animals.


As they near the bottom of the path, Y/N can hear soft music, an acoustic version of her favourite song playing from a small speaker tucked under a tree.

She looks ahead and can see a low table set up on the sand, surrounded by candles, with Paul sat next to it, dressed in a smart shirt and tie.

Y/N's face flushes, no one had ever done anything like this for her before. She thought carefully, realising that really she hadn't understood true romance until she met Paul. He made her feel like the most precious person in the world, she felt special, she felt cared for, respected, and loved. Jared squeezes her arm and then turns around, running back up the path, leaving her to walk to Paul on her own, her heart hammering in her chest.

She takes the opportunity to take him in, admiring his face, his eyes gleaming, his gorgeous smile lingering on his cheeks. Oh I love him Y/N thought to herself. There was something about Paul that just drew her to him, and every new piece of information she found out about him just made her love him more, though she hadn't realised that till that moment. Neither of them had said this to each other yet, and considering they weren't even officially dating Y/N decided to keep this piece of information to herself, for the moment at least.

Y/N reaches the table and Paul stands up to hug her, pulling her in close, taking in her scent to calm his nerves. This was the moment where he would explain what Y/N really meant to him and he had been planning it all week. Kim and Emily helped him with the logistics of getting her here and making it romantic, but the words were all down to him.

Paul takes a deep breath, letting her scent fill his nostrils and calmness flow through his body. His anxiety and stress had been through the roof all day, so when things had gone wrong he couldn't stop himself from phasing, he needed to keep calm in this moment, the last thing he wanted to do was phase in front of Y/N and scare her away.

As they pull apart from the hug, Y/N stands on her tip toes to place a quick kiss on Paul's lips. "I missed you." She says softly, "where have you been? Everyone's been really weird with me since I got here."

Paul rubs the back of his neck. He takes a deep breath, takes Y/N's hand and gestures to sit down. "From the moment I met you I fell..."

"First course is served!" Seth shouts as he and Colin come bounding down the path carrying plates.

"Seth! Not yet!" Paul says with his teeth clenched and the two younger pack members come to a stop at the table.

"Oh erm, Emily told us to bring them now, should we go back? It'll probably get cold if we do that..." Seth shrinks back when he sees Paul's glare directed at him.

"We will go back, Emily can just make new food! It's fine, everything is fine!" Seth spins on the spot, heading back up the path, but when Colin tries to do the same he loses his footing and drops the plate, food landing in Y/N's lap.

"Colin!!!" Paul growls, his face flushing and breathing deepening.

"Er, Y/N you need to move. Now." Seth shouts as he bounds over to Y/N and grabs her arm. This only angers Paul more. Before Seth has the chance to help Y/N leave the beach, Paul is replaced by a massive, dark silver wolf, crouched and ready to spring.

"Get back Y/N, Colin, get her." Seth instructs as he moves away and phases, a sandy coloured wolf, significantly smaller than Paul's standing in his place instead.

Y/N doesn't have a chance to process what has happened in front of her before more wolves appear and Colin drags her up the path to Emily's house whilst Paul is distracted.


Over two hours passes of Y/N sitting in shock at the dining table in Emily's house. Jacob, Emily and Quil try to calm her down, making her eat and drink, before she's finally in a position to talk, and ask questions.

After an hour, Sam returns, and attempts to answer as many of Y/N's questions as possible knowing that this wasn't the way Paul wanted things to go so trying to calm Y/N as best he could.

"So where is he now? Is he ok?" Y/N asks after a few minutes of silence. She had run out of questions at this point, still trying to process, but realising that it didn't matter, it didn't change how she felt.

Sam smiles at this, knowing now that the imprint bond was in full force.

"He's ok, Jared took him out to run and calm down. He should be back soon, hopefully." Y/N nods at this, taking a sip of the coffee in front of her.

At that moment Embry, Quil and Seth come bounding in, smiles on their faces, indicating that all was back to normal.

Jared follows them in, moving to Kim and placing a kiss on her cheek before wrapping his arms around her. Y/N smiles at the interaction, and her heart lines for Paul.

Lastly, a rather sheepish looking Paul steps through the door, eyes immediately searching for Y/N, worrying that she had left. When he sees her his face breaks out into a huge grin, and Y/N returns it, standing up from her seat and moving towards him slowly, worried that too much movement could spook him.

Paul holds out his hand and they walk together back towards the beach.

"Y/N I..," Paul starts before Y/N interrupts.

"I know Paul. Sam explained a lot of it. doesn't really matter. It doesn't change how I feel about you."

Paul smiles his cheeky smile, "how do you feel about me?"

"I love you Paul."

They stop walking and Paul turns to face her, cupping her face with his hands.

"I love you too Y/N."

"I know, but I love you more."

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