Paul Lahote | Labor

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By : twilightt-fantasy | Tumblr

Description: can I request a one shot where the reader is pregnant with paul Lahotes baby and she goes into labor while the wolves and the cullens are fighting the newborns?

Warnings: Labor, language.


You hissed in pain as another stab went through your abdomen. You kneeled over in the chair you were sat in in Emily's kitchen. The scarred girl looked over at you with worry.

Your face was scrunched up as you breathed through the pain, your hand resting over your pregnant belly.

"Are you okay, y/n?"

"Mhm," you nodded your head, relaxing your lips.

"Getting close?" Emily moved to sit next to you.

You laughed breathily, "I hope not. I need Paul."

Paul, your fiance, was currently helping the Cullens with a newborn vampire army. He had been gone all day, and you hoped he would be back soon. You were worried Emily was right.

Your pain was becoming stronger, and contractions were becoming closer together. Your water hadn't yet broke, but you figured it was only a matter of time.

The two of you sat talking for a little while longer, before you were tired of sitting.

"Can you help me up?" You asked Emily. She stretched her hand out for you to grab, and you pulled yourself up. A burst of water fell in between your legs and you paled. Your wide eyes met Emily's.

She dropped your hand, rushing towards the phone. You didn't know what else to do besides stand there. Another shot of pain went through your body, and you groaned, "ah, shit."

"I'm trying to get ahold of one of the boys."

"What's that gonna do, Em?" Your voice was strained, "they're fighting."

Emily let out a cry of relief suddenly, "Embry! Thank God! Y/n's water broke, she's in labor."

From your spot at the table, you could hear the shouting over the phone before it fell silent. Emily pulled it from her face, "he's on his way. Do you have your bag?"

You nodded, glancing over to the door. Emily practically ran to get the bag, before going back to you and handing you your shoes, "he's gonna meet us at the hospital."

You began to protest, "no! Wait for him here."

"Your water just broke. You have to get-."

"No! Wait for him here."

Emily sighed before grabbing the phone again, "fine."

After a quick phone call to Sam, she helped you sit back down. Within a couple of minutes, the front door had slammed open and Paul was storming into the house.

He kneeled in front of you, cupping your face, "are you okay?"

You nodded, holding his wrists, "yeah. I just wanted you."

He leaned forward and kissed your forehead, "I know, I'm here now. Let's go have our baby."

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