Emmett Cullen | Fated Mate (III)

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By : it-was-all-a-beautiful-dream | Tumblr


You felt like you were floating, everything seemed to move in slow motion as your body fell through the air towards the choppy ocean below. You closed your eyes and the icy water engulfed you, you felt peaceful as you could hear the sound of the water rushing through your ears, you felt like you could think and everything was quieter now. But then you started to panic, your chest burned, you longed for air and everything in your body was pleading you to make it back up to the surface.

You thought about your Uncle Charlie and Bella, thought about your Parents. You opened your eyes and thought you saw Alice, heading off the cliff straight for you, reaching out. But before you could make any sense of what you were seeing, you whacked your head off a sharp boulder hidden in the sandy ocean floor, and everything went dark.

*Alice's pov*

No! How could you do that. Fling yourself off the cliff like your life didn't matter anymore! Alice didn't have to think twice about jumping in after you, she almost had you in her grasp when she watched your head bounce against a jagged rock, turning the ocean red. She pulled you out and with her vampire speed carried you back to the Cullen house. She felt sick, so sick, she couldn't believe she was holding her sweet dying friend in her arms.

She screamed for Carlisle and he came in an instant taking Y/N's body from her hands. Jasper came up behind her and put a blanket around her shoulders, doing his best to comfort his wife. Bella ran towards her cousin and let out a choked scream as she looked upon Y/N's ghostly pale face, purple rings around her eyes and blood pouring from a gash on her head. Edward grabbed his wife as Carlisle took your body into a room they had set up, ready for whatever Alice was bringing home.

Hearing all the commotion, Emmett came charging through the house but before he could see what was happening, Edward and Alice held him back. He looked confused at his siblings. "What are you both doing, it's Jasper and Bella that have to control themselves around blood!" Jasper flipped him off and Alice just looked at Emmett.

"Em you can't go in there, Y/N, she's lost so much blood, I don't think she's going to make it. You cant see her." Alice then whispered "It would ruin you." Yet again he looked confused but Edward decided he should know just incase you didn't make it.

"Emmett, Alice had a vision, Y/N is your true mate." Edward dug his heels into the carpet as his brother tried to get past, being the one with the super strength, it didn't take him long before he stumbled into the room, gulping and clenching his jaw as he looked at your small body lying listlessly on the operating table.

"Carlisle fix her. Fix her now!" he roared and started throwing things around the room, knocking the surgical instruments off the metal table. "How didn't I know she was my mate! Please, we have to do something!" Emmett didn't know what to do with himself and Alice just stood there sobbing as she watched her brother break down.

Alice watched as Bella rounded the corner, trying to hold her back this time was no use, she was a newborn and even stronger than Emmett at this point. Before anyone knew what was happening, Bella had plunged a needle full of Vampire venom into your heart and the room erupted in noise.

*Y/N pov*

Burning, fire, pain, I felt like I was being stuck with 1,000 white hot pokers, I could hear muffled sounds all around me, a mans voice stood out among them all, but I still couldn't make out words. My body was writhing, I wanted to claw my way out of my own skin. It felt like the pain lasted a lifetime but then all at once it stopped and I opened my eyes.

It was bright, everything seemed to be so clear and in so much detail, the noises were louder now, I felt like I could hear everything, my senses seemed heightened. Maybe this was all a bad dream and I was going to wake up any second now. Mum and dad would be downstairs cooking breakfast and everything would be back to normal.

I slowly sat up and looked around. Or not. Several pairs of red eyes were starring at me, all of them belonged to people I knew. Bella was there and she looked shocked, Edward gave me a small smile and Alice, well, she flung her arms around me and squeezed me tight, I kind of just sat there awkwardly not really knowing what was going on.

Carlisle, the doctor I had come to know, mostly because I'm clumsy and fall a lot, smiled at me, his wife standing next to him. "How do you feel Y/N?" I looked at him strangely, and then I remembered. The crashing of the waves, the wind, the pain I felt as I let myself fall off the cliff. I gasped and felt the back of my head where it had hit the rocks. Nothing, not even a bump.

"What's happening, why am I not dead?" You whimpered and got up to stand, placing your hand on the metal surface to help push yourself up and you gasped when the metal bent under your finger tips. "Okay, what the fuck is going on" You started to freak out and that's when Bella made her way over to you. You thought she was going to hug you but she didn't, she slapped you. She slapped me so hard my face whipped to the side, then she grabbed me and pulled me into a bone crushing hug. "What the hell were you thinking Y/N!" She was crying and I started crying too.

"I'm sorry, I just felt like there was nothing here for me anymore." You went up to the mirror to wipe your tear stained cheeks and gasped. Your eyes were bright red, not from the crying, no, your pupils were red! Your lips were more full and your skin less pale, you looked, well, gorgeous.

"Okay, is someone going to tell me whats going on?" You locked eyes with Emmett from across the room and shivered, your hairs standing on end in a good way, his gaze was intense. Admittedly you had been crushing on Emmett since moving to forks, but he was with Rose and he would never see you in that way anyway. You looked around at everyone questioningly.

Rosalie walked into the room just at the right time. "Congrats kid, you're a vampire!"

Everyone groaned and Esme looked at her daughter disapprovingly. You scoffed and laughed out loud, but by the look Bella was giving you, you knew whatever Rose was saying was true.

"Well fuck."

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