Carlisle Cullen | Doctor

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By : twilightt-fantasy | Tumblr

description: Can you do an imagine where Carlisle has a patient who always comes in sick, with a cold or chest infections, small stuff like that, and it turns out that they're mates. But due to how easily she gets sick he stays away and changes her doctor to keep her safe. But his children help him realise that what he is doing is hurting both of them abd so he goes back to her and explains. She is hurt but eventually agrees to forgive him. Lots of fluff and angst maybe? Xxx

warnings: none


A cough racked through your body, causing you to curl over as you coughed in your sleeve. You were here again. The hospital seemed to be your most frequented place. You were here all of the time, no thanks to your crappy immune system.

The doctors and nurses knew you by name by now, especially Dr. Cullen. He was always the one to see you when you came into the hospital - it was kind of embarrassing. The man was very attractive and you knew you weren't with your red nose and watery eyes.

The past few times you had been in, you had had a different doctor. Dr. Cullen would normally always see you, and the first time you were shocked to see a woman walk in. The next time, it was an older man. You could only hope for the blonde doctor this time.

Your thoughts were interrupted at the sound of the door opening, and you focused your attention to the man who had entered the room. Your shoulders fell when you saw who entered the room. A man with dark brown hair flashed a wide smile a you.

"Hello Y/n!" He welcomed. "I'm Dr. Holland. What's going on today?"

You laughed dryly, sniffling as you did so. "I wish I knew."

"What's the problem this time?" He asked, mainly to himself as he began to examine you. He placed his stethoscope on your chest, causing you to breath in deeply before exhaling - you knew the drill at this point.

You were slightly disappointed Dr. Cullen wasn't here to examine you today. Perhaps he had taken the day off? Oh well, you stopped your thoughts quickly, it wasn't as if you only came to the doctor to see him. You truly were sick.

"Okay." Dr. Holland drew away from you and placed his stethoscope around his neck. "I say we run a few tests and then get you home. Sound good?"

You smiled with a nod. "Sounds good."


You sighed as you exited the room with a prescription order in your hand. It was just another chest infection, but your doctor had also prescribed you pills to build up your immune system.

As you began to exit the hospital, you locked eyes with Dr. Cullen. You paused momentarily, surprised that the golden-eyed doctor was at the hospital. Why hadn't he been the one to check on you if he was there?

Dr. Cullen flashed you a tight smile as you approached him and you felt your steps falter. He seemed to be acting strange, but you weren't sure what the problem was. "How are you?"

"Same as always." You shrugged, motioning to your puffy face. "I'm surprised you haven't been my doctor lately."

Dr. Cullen let out a sharp breath of air, almost laughing quietly. "I'm sorry, y/n."

Confusion passed across your features as you studied the man, who sighed again. "I didn't think it was appropriate for me to be your doctor for a while. So, I decided to leave your case and pass it on to someone else."

"Oh." The word fell from your mouth in a whisper. His confession shouldn't have hurt as much as it did. "Can I ask why it's not appropriate?"

"Because." Dr. Cullen leaned down close to you, and you could feel his cold breath brush against your cheek. "It's frowned upon for doctors to have relationships with their patients."

You pulled away from him, ignoring the goosebumps that had risen along your skin. Your eyes stared at him widely as you tried to process his words. "I-you-me-what?"

Dr. Cullen laughed at you again as he set down the clipboard he was holding. "You heard me, Y/n. I'm sorry for avoiding you these past few months. I was worried you wouldn't feel the same."

"It's okay." You breathed out, feeling the hurt from earlier leave your body. "Thanks for telling me."

He smiled before glancing around the area. "So, since I am no longer your doctor, am I allowed to take you out for the night?"

Your face began to heat up and you bit your lip to fight back a smile. "I'd think that would be alright."

"Great." Dr. Cullen winked at you quickly. "See you tonight."

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