Carlisle Cullen | Darling

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By : darling-i-read-it | Tumblr

Carlisle Cullen x reader

Word Count:1733

Warning:blood, danger


When you met Carlisle Cullen, you were a young but intelligent human. You were 21 in the young Victorian Age of England filled in the for now peaceful lands of London. You sat on your doorstep, book drawn over your ankle length dress. You were one of the very very few women to learn to read at all, your older brothers teacher taking grace on your adapt knowledge of politics and teaching you letters and simple words. The grace ended when he handed you a dictionary, in which you have read, cover to cover. Little then half stuck to your mind, but it was enough to help you pass as one of the smarter girls in the town.

"Sorry miss could you point me in the direction of the nearest book shop?" A soft voice asked you. You looked up to see a man, light blonde hair and kind eyes although odd color. After asking the man seemed taken aback, almost mad at you which was very sudden considering the amount of niceness in his voice prior.

"Yes, it's just-" Before you could finish the man turned away from you and walked away. You watched as he went, rushing in quick paces, a hand still raised pointing to the book store down the street. You sighed. Wonder what I did today to scare them off, you thought. Boys had never taken an interest in you, despite your natural good looks. Once they realized you had a brain they typically went to the next girl with a tighter corset.

You turned back to your book, but your mind was wandering back to the man and his black eyes. He was so arupt in leaving. You were sure you hadn't done anything that would provoke such a response out of him so quickly, yet again your record was a whopping minute and a half to make someone leave you alone. Guess that record was beat.

Little did you know, all Carlisle could think about was you. Your hair, your eyes, your voice even though he had only heard three measly words from you before he was forced to leave were like a daydream. He had witnessed what he could only describe as love at first sight a Shakespeare play come to life, everything he could ever need in a first glance.

Why on Earth did you smell so good? It was the conflict he never expected to have when finding not only someone he would be destined to love, but also a four course meal that was placed in front of a starving man.

But he had to see you again. He had to.

But he needed to eat first.

Two days went by uneventfully. You wasted your time, unsure quite what you were waiting for, by reading away. You wrote in your journal about the fictional adventures you could go on, and simply stayed put in your home. You lived alone, which in itself was very unusual for your young age but you quite enjoyed it. You didn't work(you came from a rather rich family) so you had nothing to do. Ever.

The second time you saw Carlisle was two days after your first meeting. You were inside your home, cleaning up a tad. It was a chore that helped you think through events. It was sudden when there was a knock on your door.

No one ever visited you.

And when they did it was never unannounced. When you opened the door you weren't quite sure what you expected. The man that you only saw once ever and briefly was not it however. You looked at him, confused.

"Sorry, what are you doing here? I assume you found the bookstore," you snapped. The man looked at you with sympathy.

"I suppose I deserved that. I'm sorry for being so rude upon first meeting you, I was simply to caught up in your beauty to maintain a conversation." You rolled your eyes although very secretly blushed at the comment. You were too stubborn to let him know the words had made there way to your head.

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