Paul Lahote | Mine (II)

2.4K 51 2

By : refiwrites | Tumblr

Pairing: Paul Lahote x Fem! Reader

Summary: Part two to , where you see another side of Paul as he tells you a secret he's been keeping for a while now.

Word count: 2.7k
Warning/s: swearing, nightmares(?)


Ever since the incident at Jacob's house happened, you just couldn't get Paul off your mind. Almost as if he was a magnet you couldn't repel from. Like he had you wrapped around his finger, and you just let him.

You absentmindedly stared out the window when your phone beside you rang. Wasting no time in picking up, seeing the caller I.D was Jacob.

"Hey (Y/N)." Jacob greeted.

"Jacob, what's up?"

"You remembered what happened back at my place... Right?" He said, you suddenly sat straight, remembering what happened a few weeks ago crystal clear in your head.

"Yeah, I remember, the one with the angry guy who almost lashed out?" You joked.

"Yes, that. Actually, I was wondering if you'd like to come with me at Emily's place tomorrow. Y'know since you happen to be involved in the supernatural stuff now, I thought it'd be a great idea if we show you everything since there's no point in hiding it now." He spoke.

If going to Emily's place meant seeing Paul again and possibly talking to him this time... you chewed on your bottom lip lost in thought.

"They're also planning on going to La Push after patrolling and I think you'd like that right? (Y/N)? (Y/N)... Hey you there?" You completely forgot Jacob was on the line and you nodded but mentally smacked yourself since he couldn't see you nodding.

"Oh yeah that's a great idea, sure, I'll be there." You replied with your heart beating rapidly at the thought of seeing Paul again.

"That's good, I'll let them know you're going."

"Of course, wait hey what about Bella? Isn't she coming as well?" You inquired.

You heard Jacob sigh from the end of the line and by the sense of it you knew what the answer was going to be already.

"Unfortunately, she's off with the Cullens, heard they're playing baseball or something."

"That's too bad." You replied.

"Tell me about it," He sighed once again "I'll pick you up tomorrow, make sure you don't look too hideous."

"You dingbat, fine I'll see you." The last thing you heard before ending the call was your cousin's laugh.

Placing your phone back on the table, you held your face in your hands with a groan.

Great, what do I even say when we get there? Would he even talk to me? We didn't exactly have the best first impressions on each other...

You were worried. You found it funny how you're having a dilemma about making yourself presentable rather than questioning why the heck would you even agree on hanging out with a pack of werewolves who could so easily end you if they wanted to in the first place.

You sighed. At least you could try and befriend Sam's fiancé who was Emily since you knew she was a human and would know how the pack works.

"Get your shit together, (Y/N)." You said to yourself. You had all day to yourself so instead of worrying like you were doing at the moment, you just did what made you happy.

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