Demetri Volturi | You Saved Me Too

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By : marvelatthetwilight | Tumblr


"I had to. I had to save you. I can't explain it. I had to protect you." He holds out a hand for you to shake. "My name is Demetri."

You reach your hand out to him, your body pulling towards him like gravity. He gently guides your hand to his mouth and places a delicate kiss to your knuckles. "Y/N" you say shakily, "my name is Y/N."

"Y/N." He whispers. You've never heard your voice sound as beautiful as it does coming from his mouth. The two of you sit on a nearby bench and stare at each other, neither one of you wanting to break contact to look at anything else. You don't know how long the two of you are sat there, until someone clears their throat across the garden.

Demetri tenses at your side. "I'm just here to check on you Dem, I'm no threat." You look up to the voice, a large intimidating figure eyes you curiously. "So...what's going on Dem? Suddenly Afton is laying on the floor at Aro's feet with a crack in his face. The Kings want an explanation..."

"Erm..." Demetri hesitates, looking at you with concern. "Fe, she's my...mate." You frown at him as his eyes dart between you and his friend. The friend's eyes widen in shock as he rubs the back of his neck in thought.

"Well...that definitely changes things. I'll speak with Aro...explain things to him. Afton wanted your head for this. Obviously, that won't happen...but he isn't happy you stole a meal from him." Felix shoots a final cautious look to you before nodding at his friend and leaving.

You turn back to Demetri, your face still frowning

"Come with me little one. Let me explain everything."


1 month later

Demetri paces nervously in front of the large doors, trying to listen to the conversation being had inside.

"Demetri you're going to wear a hole into the floor if you don't stop." Alec complains from his place at the side of the doors.

"I know, I know. I just...I hope they give her time. I love so many of her little human quirks. I don't want her to regret not having enough time." Demetri takes a seat opposite the doors, leaning forward and resting his head in his hands.

"She won't regret anything Dem. She's your mate. You know what she's feeling now is just gonna intensify when she's turned." Felix comes to sit beside his friend, patting him on the back to comfort him.

"Ugh Fe, I just don't know." Just as Felix is about to speak again, the doors open, and you walk out with a frown on your face.

Demetri rushes towards you, hands immediately cupping your face, attempting to brush away the frown from your forehead. "What did they say principessa?"

"...I have a month. A month left of being a human..." And you burst into tears, collapsing against Demetri's chest, covering his shirt in tears.

Demetri presses a soft kiss to the top of your head and looks up at Felix with a knowing look; concern etched into his features.

"We will help you Dem...won't we Alec?" Felix whispers, quiet enough for you to not hear, looking to the twin for back up. Alec reluctantly nods. "I'll go find Jane; we will put our heads together."

He leads you to your shared room, holding your hand tightly as you lean on him for support. "...Can we just cuddle?" You ask as you slowly sit down at the edge of the bed.

"Of course, il mio amore."


"Jane has some suggestions." Alec starts as he walks into the garden where Felix is sat staring into space, desperately trying to think.

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