Jasper Hale | Blood Red Mist (II)

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By : it-was-all-a-beautiful-dream | Tumblr

Warnings: mentions of death, blood, angst


Your phone had died, the screen going blank. Just like your mind as you watched the red mist float around your numb body. Nessie had tried her hardest to stop the bleeding, pressing her scarf around the wound. Her little hands trembling, tears rolling down her streaked face. The red mist seemed to get brighter, you could feel your energy fading, your body drifting off, your eyes getting heavier. Nessie's head whipped to the side as a group of denim clad men ran towards you.

"Y/N you hold on now, you hear me, Jasper is on his way, they're all coming, just keep your eyes open." Sam. Sam had always been nice to you. You had grown up around forks, same age as Leah, you had been friends when you were little, growing apart, and then becoming friends again. You knew all of the wolf pack, they were part of your family too. You took a shaky breath and sobbed. You knew you weren't going to make it. The world just kept getting darker and darker.

You turned your head. Most of the pack were standing in a protective circle around your body, some confused by the red haze that had seemed to have fallen upon the area. A few, had already taken off into the woods in search of the vampire who had done this to you.

After the Volturi had visited, even more and more of the young in the tribe had started shifting, the numbers growing significantly. The vampire would probably be long gone by now, but you knew how fast the wolves were, hopefully they still had a chance. Renesmee was shivering and tucked up under Jacob Blacks arms, a caring hand stroking her hair, trying to calm her down. You looked back up at Sam. You knew the rest of the wolves would be able to hear you so there would be no point in trying to say anything quietly.

"Sam, i'm slipping, I can feel it, i'm not going to make i-it.. you need to tell Jas-Jasper.." Sam shook his head. A stray tear rolling down the side of his bronzed cheek.

"No Y/N, you can't leave, you need to fight, keep your eyes open okay, you need to fight." You coughed, blood pooling at the side of your mouth, the metallic taste lingering on you tongue and coating your teeth.

You felt like you should have died by now, but your soul was waiting, waiting to say goodbye to its other half. Your breathing was shallower by now, your eyes flickering, and then you heard it. The screeching tires of cars in the distance and then time stopped. Jasper. He had replaced Sam Uley instantly, scooping your fragile body into his long arms. His nostrils flared a little as he could smell the blood but you knew Jasper was stronger now, he could control himself, especially when it came to you. His hand brushed stray strands of hair from your pale face. You looked deep into his eyes and gave him a small smile. He started to panic, as he could hear your heart beat getting slower and slower. "I love you Jasper." Your voice a mere whisper and then, the shallow beating of your heart stopped, and you lay, lifeless in your blood singers arms.

-Rose's POV-

The day after Y/N's death had been hard. The worst any of us had experienced in decades. At least with Bella, we knew Edward had the chance to change her in time. With Y/N we were too late in getting to her before her heart stopped. That, and it would violate the treaty we had with the wolves, changing a human.

Obviously Jasper had taken it the worst, he wouldn't let go of Y/N's body.. Edward and Emmett had to literally pry him off of her so Carlisle could do a post-mortem and get her cleaned up. Alice and I had overseen the preparation of Y/N's body after Carlisle had stitched the hole where the Knife had pierced her skin. No-one knew if it was the death that had effected Carlisle, but over the last couple of days he had become obsessed with the knife that had been used to kill Y/N. Then there was Bella, beside herself in grief, unmoving, sitting in the same position like a statue while Esme and Jake took care of Renesmee. Everyone felt the loss. The pack would linger around the house too, feeling the need to be close at this time.

There you lay, in the same glass walled room that Bella had once lay. Your hair brushed perfectly, your pale skin given some colour by a hint of makeup, and your hands placed over your stomach with grace. A sight of beauty and sadness all in one. Jasper never left your side, not once, like Bella, un-moving. The house didn't feel the same without you around it. It was eerily quiet, it was like the joy had been sucked out of the atmosphere. We could still faintly hear your laugh echoing through the hallways, still hear your human heart beating, reminding us that Bella hadn't been the only human we'd let past our family's secret. But it was gone now. Silence.

It was day two since you had died. You were still unmoving on the table, and for some reason I think a lot of us were still expecting you to stand up and say you were fine, but I guess even vampires can still feel disbelief and grief, that feeling didn't go away when your heart stopped beating. I watched as Alice tried to talk to Jasper, the part of her that once comforted him still itching to do so even in the wake of your death. She was trying to get him to eat something, not that he would die without it, he just looked paler than usual, if that was even possible, and the circles around his eyes were dark. The only response Alice got from him was a low animalistic growl. She knew she needed to back off. I shook my head.

"What do you mean there was venom?" Mine, Alices and Jaspers head all whipped around at once as Edwards voice echoed around the house from Carlisle's study. I looked to Jasper and he hesitated, looked at your still, unmoving body, got up from his chair and gave you a lingering kiss on the forehead. It was the first time he had moved in the past two days. We were in Carlisles office in a flash, apparently everyone else had heard the commotion too, it's a good job he has a big office.

"The dagger, I knew there was something wrong with it as soon as I saw it, i'd only briefly heard of them, many years ago, I didn't think they were actually real. You see, the bit in the centre." Carlisle held the thin flat dagger up to the light, there was a shape in the middle, bulging almost, to me it looked like a normal, silver, knife. Then he turned the dagger upside down and showed us all the tip, to the human eye you wouldn't have been able to see anything, however, with our heightened vampire abilities it was all too clear. The bottom of the dagger, tiny holes, the middle, used as storage.

"Whoever did this, they didn't intend to kill Y/N, they intended to change her, this is vampire venom, she's not dead, she's becoming one of us."


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