Carlisle Cullen | Mr. I want to suck your blood (V)

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By : it-was-all-a-beautiful-dream | Tumblr

Warning: mild swearing

Word count: 1,518


The ground was solid, ice and pearlescent snowflakes stuck to the ground and the dead branches of the spindly trees floated in the bitter breeze across the once colourful meadow. Dark cloaked figures floated across the ground, not a sound was made. The red eyes were the only thing you could see through the ominous fog, a see of black and red billowing in the breeze. Fear, pain and anguish. They were searching for something, looking for.... someone. A little girl in the line up of kind eyes. Weary smiles of those around you, then in a flash, war, death, burning marble skin. Then no war, no death, no burning marble skin, as if it were a dream within a dream, a could have been... a maybe will be.

Even with his wolf abilities, Seth wasn't fast enough to catch you as your body met the concrete. The sound of your form meeting the solid surface was deafening and your scream echoed for miles alerting Paul and the others that were close by. Without hesitating Seth scooped you up and started running with the others towards Sam and Emily's home, blood seeping from a cut on your head and your nose. In one swoop everything was off the kitchen table and you were being laid down as Sam barked orders, Jake looked over you concerned and Emily grabbed towels and water. Seth was telling everyone what had happened.... he didn't actually know what had happened. But the truth about your new found visions came to light. Paul was pissed, he could smell something wasn't right with your blood, blaming the Cullen's for you ending up like this.

The wolves were fond of you, more so than Bella. Paul had explained why to you once. Apparently Bella had never really seen things from the wolf side, she'd always been a vampire girl, while, you remained impartial. It did help that you were brand new to the world of the supernatural. But Paul, the big hard headed wolf, had a soft spot for you, he could tell you were good, and you didn't judge, which he admired most. You were friends with them all. They hated seeing you this way, a lot of them were older than you so viewed you as a younger sister. So it wasn't a shock when Paul and Leah had to be taken outside when they saw all the damage.

Jacobs phone had started ringing, everyones head swung toward the noise. They could sense who it would be. Jacob had already suggested getting Carlisle to come over, but Seth had quickly disagreed when he filled them all in on the details of what had happened a couple of weeks earlier between the both of you. He had already betrayed you by telling your secret about the visions, he didn't know if you would forgive him for letting Carlisles fix you.

Emily was washing away the blood from your face, trying to get a better look at just how much damage there was. She winced as she finally saw the cause of the bleeding, a gash above your eyebrow, definitely one that would need a few stitches. Jake was in the corner, answering his phone, Bella's frantic voice on the other end. Alice had seen a vision of you screaming, she knew something had happened, and they were on their way to Sam's house treaty or no treaty, they figured the wolves owed them one for healing Jacob after the battle with Riley and Victoria.

It didn't take long for the Cullen's to get there, the cars squealed as they pulled up outside, Carlisle the first one through the door, eyes blazing, he ran, grabbing and pushing Seth against the wall. Alice didn't see the whole story, all she knew was Y/n was with Seth and she was screaming in pain then everything went dark, so naturally Carlisles assumed it was something to do with Seth. The wolves were on the edge of turning and Jasper and Emmett held Carlisles back. Emily ignored all the drama and was still tending to Y/n's injuries, it was only when Y/N coughed and groaned did the stand-off cease, and Carlisle looked at his blood singer properly for the first time in two weeks.

He winced as he looked at you lying on the table, noticing the cuts and bruises, but also how much you had changed in appearance in the last couple of weeks. You were noticeably thinner, deep dark circles were under your eyes and your nails were chewed down to almost nothing, not to mention you now had the added gash above your eyebrow and a scrape on your nose and elbows. Carlisle took a tentative step toward you, his hand hovered over your hair, the urge to stroke it back from your face too much. His jaw clenched. If you had been with him, none of this would have happened. Carlisle snapped out of his daze a little as Edward handed him his medical bag. He would think later, first he had to make sure you were okay. He got to work cleaning and stitching the gash above your eye, it would surely leave a scar. He was so focused, he didn't notice when your eyes started to flicker. Alice and the others were in the corner talking to Seth about what had really happened, they knew about the visions now, Jasper had retrieved your bag back at the car near the beach, they could see your drawings and paintings, proof to back up Seth's story.

After he had finished your stitches, Carlisles made light work of your other wounds, he also set you up with an IV bag and some pain meds, only then did he notice that you were starting to come round. He didn't know how you were going to react to seeing him and the others. He knew he was probably the last person you wanted to see right now. It didn't mean his heart didn't race when you opened your big eyes, blinked and looked straight into his. As if sensing your wake, the others turned in your direction, relieved you had woken up.


Ugh. It was too loud, far too loud. Thoughts all jumbled into one singular mess of sound. You blinked. Did you die and this was all your memories coming back in a flash before you went towards the pearly gates of heaven?

You blinked, your eyes opening. Nope.... Emily's Kitchen?

Your eyes fluttered closed again. God why were you here, why are there so many people talking. You opened your eyes wider this time, one of them wouldn't open all the way, it hurt and felt kind of hot. You managed to open them wide enough to find yourself staring into the eyes of one Dr Carlisle Cullen.

What the fuck happened.

You groaned and tried to sit up only to hear the protests from the calm dreamy Dr. You didn't know if it was the pain meds or the possible concussion you had but damn he looked fineeeeee. His brow was furrowed and his lips were set in a charming frown, you giggled, much to Carlisle's surprise.

"I would say frowning would give you wrinkles, but you're a vampire." You found this hilarious and you heard someone else snort from across the room. Yup definitely the meds. Carlisle couldn't stop staring at you, it got a little uncomfortable until Alice coughed and came over to help you sit up. When Carlisle realised he was looking too long, he started cleaning up the medical supplies and set his bag to the side.

Your head was pounding, you felt slightly dizzy and you still didn't understand why everyone was talking all at once. Legs swung over the side of Emily's blood stained table, you looked around the busy room to finally notice...... no ones lips were moving. Your eyes widened and Edward turned abruptly to look at you.

"Y/N, can you hear me?" Edward was looking right at you, his lips unmoving but his voice as clear as day in your mind. Carlisle looked toward his son confused, your heart rate had sky rocketed and he didn't know it was because you were playing mind games with Edward.

"God she really looks like shit." Another voice entered your head, Emmett, absentmindedly glancing at you from the door way. You glared in his direction, which shocked him.

"Asshole I heard that!" Your croaky voice shouted across the quiet room. Now he wasn't the only one looking at you funny. No one but you and Edward had heard what he was thinking.

Then it dawned on you. You could hear peoples thoughts, you'd had visions. Your eyes widened and you slipped off the table to stand up with wobbly legs. Carlisle caught you around the waist to help you stand and you leant into him. Scared. You still hurt from what had happened between the two of you, but right now, you needed him and his touch more than you ever thought.


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