Jacob Black | Dumbass

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By : refiwrites | Tumblr

Pairing: Jacob Black x Reader

Summary: Jacob always ditched (Y/N) for Bella when she needed him, yet when (Y/N) suddenly cut ties with Jacob, will he ever make it up to her to get her back?

Dialogue prompts used: "You didn't call. You didn't text. Nothing..."
Warning/s: typical angst? some swearing, sprinkled Bella slander (im sorry ToT)


Ever since Bella Swan was the talk of the town made everything between you and Jacob distant.

There would be times when you'll end up hanging out with each other, enjoying the moment when suddenly his phone dings and before you know it, he's out the house for Bella because 'It's urgent'

Urgent my ass, what's so urgent that you can't even say farewell to your best friend properly and just blow them off like that?

Needless to say, you were pretty damn pissed. Who wouldn't be when someone just goes and does that to you like you were nothing? A part of you just suppressed the hurt inside since it may as well be important since the news of animal attacks had been rising and Charlie Swan being the chief of police, you thought maybe it's just a father just trying to look out for his daughter to stay safe with the help of her childhood friend.

You also heard that Bella was getting too close to the Cullen family, and you were intrigued. Jacob often let stories slip about the Cullen's being weird and you happen to know from somewhere that the Cullen family and the Black family had some history going on so if it involved Jacob and his family, you weren't afraid to know what was going on.

But the previous thought of keeping the chief of police's daughter safe went down the drain as you heard that Bella had hit her head due to riding a motorcycle repaired by the one and only Jacob Black himself.

You didn't even know how to react when the news reached you.

So, is this why he always ditched you? Because he was off repairing motorcycles for him and Bella to ride on together as the sun went down? The one who couldn't even bother to bid you goodbye since he seemed keen on hanging out with Bella and just leaving you hanging? What if the tables were flipped and he was the one that got hurt in the process? What if you just lost him then and you weren't even there?

You shook your head, unbelievable, you were supposed to be mad at him yet worry washed over you at the thought of him being injured badly.

That was the final straw, you always tried to understand when Bella needed Jacob for something and Jacob came running to her like a puppy running for its owner, you hated it. You only thought of doing what you know might hurt the both of you, well, you at least if he even finds it in himself to care.

After a few messages asking what happened and how you hoped he was doing fine, you decided for it to be your last message from him for now and in real life.

As you thought about it, doing that seemed so difficult yet you were reminded of the times he left you for Bella, so you assumed it was the right thing to do, to give him a taste of his own medicine.

But it only made things worse as the last thing you heard about him was from your friend, Quill that he went off to watch a movie with Bella then that was it, you no longer heard of him for weeks. The number of times you opened your phone to his contact hoping there was a reply or even a missed call equaled to the amount of times you questioned if your friendship meant anything to Jacob.

You often found yourself heart torn thinking about him and Bella possibly hanging out right now enjoying the time of their lives without a trace of you in his mind made your head spin as you flopped on the bed with tears brimming your eyes. You never even had the courage yet to tell Jacob that you love him and if this is the way of fate telling you that its too late for that then fine.

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