Leah Clearwater | NSFW Alphabet

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By : ineedmorefanfics | Tumblr

⚠️Warnings⚠️: SMUT, NSFW, 🔞+


A= Aftercare (What they're like after sex)

Leah is soft when she's alone with you, and will make sure that you're alright after your activities. She'll order some takeout, make sure you're clean and hydrated, and throw on a movie you can snuggle to while you both wait for your food. She's the little spoon😌

B= Favorite Body Part (Their favorite body part of their's and their partner's)

She honestly can't choose one part of your body to love because she loves it all. She'll worship every part of your body and name every single thing she loves about it. Her favorite part of her body is definitely her thighs. Leah has POWERFUL thighs, and isn't afraid to ask you to ride them.

C= Cum (Anything to do with cum)

Leah likes it when you cum on her fingers. It gives her a sense of power and sends her over the edge. When she cums, she likes clit on clit action and usual cums rubbing up against you.

D= Dirty Secret (A dirty secret of theirs)

This woman loves to have her hair pulled. Whether you're pulling it to pull her closer to your pussy or you're pulling it just to tease, she'll be all over you in a matter of seconds.

E= Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they're doing?)

Before your first time together, she does extensive reasearch. She's never been with another girl before, the opportunity never presenting itself. She was more on the shy side at first but as your relationship progressed she learned what buttons to push and when to push them.

F= Favorite Position (Might include visual)

Tribbing and 69 are her go to's. She likes to be constantly touching you in every way possible.

G= Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they more humorous, etc.)

She can be goofy at times, nipping your neck and tickling your sides as straddles you.

H= Hair (How well groomed are they?)

She keeps herself trimmed up down there. Her hair grows fast so she doesn't have time to make sure it's always waxed or completely shaved but she'll settle with a small patch as long as you don't mind.

I= Intimacy (How are they during the moment? Romantic aspect...)

She's either playful or romantic, there's no in between. When she's in a more romantic mood, she'll intertwine her fingers with yours and keeps your hands together for the majority of the activity. She likes to be up close and personal because she's afraid of losing you and having you close to her makes her feel safe.

J= Jerk Off (How often? What are they thinking about?)

The only time Leah masturbates is usually in front of you. Not gonna lie, she likes to watch you play with yourself and will do so as well as she watches you.

K= Kink (One or more of their kinks)

Leah has a humongous praise kink. She wants to know that she's pleasuring you in all the right ways and when you tell her that it just feels so good it's not only a boost to her ego but it's also reassurance that she's making you happy. She's also into breath play, but only when you constrict her air flow, because she's afraid of hurting you.

L= Location (Favorite places to do the do)

One of her all time favorite locations is the bathtub. She likes it when you sit in front of her and lean bag, one hand trailing down to play with your folds as the other plays with your breasts.

M= Motivation (What turns them on, what gets them going, etc.)

Whether it be a maid costume or a cat costume, seeing you dressed up for her and her only reassures her to your commitment and it's a big turn on. She also likes it when you try to take control, and once you get too cocky she'll make sure you know what place you're really in.

N= NO (Something they wouldn't do, turn offs)

No threesomes! That's pretty self explanatory. Not only does she not like sharing, the last time she introduced somebody to her relationship, even if it wasn't sexual, she lost the man she loved. She's also against anything that puts you in harms way. She has never hurt you and never will.

O= Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)

Leah is amazing at oral and doesn't mind making you cum on her tongue continuously. She likes it when you squeeze her head with your thighs, and will nip at them occasionally. She also likes receiving oral, and aforementioned she's into 69 and isn't afraid to moan into that coochie.

P= Pace (Are the fast and rough? Slow and sensual? Etc.)

Usually she's slow and rough. Sometimes she can be sensual but she loves to rough you up as well as tease at the same time. Trust me when I say you're in for a long night.

Q= Quickie (Their opinion on quickies, how often, etc.)

Leah is definitely not a quickie person. She prefers to take her time with her S/O and enjoy the moment. Sex is an intimate thing to her and she wants it to be enjoyable for both parties involved.

R= Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)

As long as you're not in harms way she'll be down to try almost anything. She wants to make you happy and if you want to try something new then so be it.

S= Stamina (How long do they last?)

Leah can last for a long time. Not to brag, but she can probably outlast most of the boys. She likes overstimulating her partner for hours on end and will probably make you cum till all you see is white.

T= Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On partner or themselves?)

Believe it or not, Leah isn't that big of a fan of toys. She likes skin on skin contact with her S/O, it makes the sex more personal. That doesn't mean she won't try them though. I headcanon that she owns a pair of handcuffs.

U= Unfair (How much of a tease are they?)

Leah is definitely a big tease, and likes to push you to the edge. She likes being in control of you and making you melt under her touch.

V= Volume (How loud are they? What sounds do they make?)

Leah doesn't like to admit it but she makes high pitched whines, especially when she's close. She tries to hide her noises but you just make it so hard for her to do so.

W= Wildcard (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice?)

Leah let you top once, and you were quickly put into your place when you got too cocky. You decided to handcuff Leah's hands to your bed frame, straddling her as you did so. You were confident, and she played along. Everything was going great until you said four simple words. "Who's the bottom now?" In an instant the sound of snapping echoed throughout the room as Leah broke the cuffs. She grabbed your shoulders, quickly flipping the two of you over. "Nice try baby, but it looks like it's still you."

X= X-Ray (Let's see what's under those clothes...)

Leah has an amazing body and isn't afraid to flaunt it when she's with you. She's curvy in all the right places and her skin is smooth to the touch. Let's just say when she takes off her clothes, it's breathtaking.

Y= Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)

I'd say Leah's sex drive is about average. She's a busy woman of course, but that doesn't mean she won't make time for you.

Z= Zzz (How fast do they fall asleep after?)

Leah doesn't normally fall asleep after sex, but if she does she's holding you in a death grip. Cuddling is her favorite and likes it when you're constantly touching eachother.

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