Jane Volturi | Soft Alphabet

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By : avyannadawn | tumblr



A - Affection (how do they show affection)

Jane is not a big fan of PDA. Growing up in a village where she and Alec were stunned, she never really had anyone to receive or show affection to. But when the two of you are alone, Jane just melts. That cold, sadistic exterior she puts up drops in a flash as soon as you wrap your arms around her.

At first, Jane was hesitant to touch you, too scared to hurt you. You knew this and so slowly over time, you started to coax her out of her shell with simple touches. Whether it's squeezing her hand or pecking her on the cheek as you walked past, these little actions chipped away at her hesitancy. She eventually got to the point where she started returning your small affections, embracing you quickly and softly before immediately letting go or grasping your hand when no one was watching. Soon enough she would be the one initiating them, hugging you from behind and leaving small kisses on your neck.

Your love and affections became one of her favourite things, as well as giving it. She's not one for large gestures, so she settles for leaving little things around your room, things to let you know that she loves and appreciates you without her having to actually tell you. Not that she won't say it when she has the chance.

B - Balance (how do they balance you, work/school/life?)

When Jane works at Volterra, she wants you by her side. Knowing that you are right next to her and that she can keep you safe puts her at ease. If you don't want to be in the throne room during trials, she wants you to stay either in your room or the library. If she is away on missions, she gets severely agitated knowing you could be in danger and she isn't there. You never are. The only time you are in danger is if you bet Caius at a game of chess or dnd.But no matter how long she's away or has to work she will always make time for you.

C - Cuddles (do they enjoy cuddling? what positions?)

She loves to spoon. Whether she's the big or little spoon, it doesn't matter. She adores it when the two of you face each other, holding onto each other tightly. When the two of you watch tv, which you had to convince Jane to get, she loved to lean on you.

Growing up where everyone despised her and her brother, Jane is touch and affection starved. So having her lean on your shoulder or chest as you weave your hands through her blond locks, massaging her scalp... God, she just melts.

She was kind of emotional the first time you truly embraced her. No one aside from her brother has ever shown her any sort of affection and the fact that you care about her could almost bring her to tears if she was capable of it. Almost.

D - Date (what was your first date?)

Jane had taken you for a stroll around Volterra's marketplace, getting you some lunch as the two of you sat down and talked. It may have not been much but having you there with her, meant a lot to Jane.

The two of you sat around the fountain, talking about everything from Jane's long life as a vampire to your old childhood memories.

E - Excited (how excited do they get when they see you/are with you?)

It's rare that she'll openly say that she's that she gets excited to see you but when she does you know she means it. But all the things Jane doesn't say verbally, she shows physically. Holding you to her, giving you small kisses, and showering you with affection. But if it's been a while since the two of you last saw each other she won't hesitate to let you know she missed you, "I'm glad you are here, I missed you."

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