Paul Lahote | Love You Anymore (I)

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By : marvelatthetwilight | Tumblr


"I still love you Y/N, I just don't think I'm IN love with you anymore."

And with those words, Y/N's world came crashing down around her. He kept talking, but she didn't listen, random words got through as she cradled her legs in front of her on her chair. "Think I should move out...stay with Andy...take the car..."

She couldn't stay in a room with him anymore. She rushed out of the apartment that she shared with the person she thought was her forever. Tears streaming down her face, without her coat, she had no idea where she was going, she just had to get as far away from him as possible.

She left her apartment building, turning left onto the Port Angeles street she knew so well. She kept walking until she got to the park, and sat down on the first bench she found.

She had no money on her, no car keys, just her phone tucked in her back pocket. What do I do now? She thought to herself. Everything she had planned for the last five years was ruined, with that single sentence. Every part of her life was tangled up with him; her job, her home, her family. They'd been together since they were 16, she didn't know any different. She needed a new plan, but she felt numb. She grabbed her phone, seeing the 💜 next to his name in her contacts made her feel sick.

Text me when you've packed up and left. I'll stay out of your way till then.

She sighed, waiting for her message to show as read. She looked up at the playground where she could see families playing. I thought that would be me soon, how do I start again?

I'll grab what I need for a few days then get the rest when you're at work. I'm sorry Y/N, I didn't mean to hurt you. X

Y/N put her phone back in her pocket. Leaning her head back on the bench behind her.


When she returned to her apartment an hour later, it felt bare. She grabbed her iPad and sat at her dining table, time to put the new plan in motion. She found her dad in the contacts and hit FaceTime, he was the only one who didn't adore her ex, and she knew he would do anything to get her away from him. As soon as she saw his face appear she broke down.

"Y/N, darling, what's happened?"


Three weeks later Y/N was stood in front of her new home. Luckily her dad had contacts in the nearby town of Forks, and put her in touch with his friend Charlie, the Chief of Police. He found her a small house on the outskirts of the town, and gave her a job as a receptionist at the Police Station. The pn came together quickly, and her dad did everything he could to help.

She took a few bits of furniture with her, and the place was starting to feel like it could feel like a home. Charlie had asked some of his friends to help Y/N get settled in, Sam and Jared had turned up just as she arrived with her van, and seemed to have no trouble carrying in massive pieces of furniture. They are freakishly strong, she thought, as she watched them carry her couch through the door like it was a pillow.

"So, do you know anyone around here Y/N?" Sam asked, as she followed them into her living room.

"Only Charlie, and I don't really know him that well, just through my dad. Though I start my new job at the station next week so hopefully I'll get to know some people there".

"Well, my fiancé Emily is always keen to meet new people, you should come to ours for dinner, she's a fantastic cook!" Sam looks to Jared, who nods eagerly.

"Kim and I can join too, the girls would love to have company that's not the same guys everyday". Just as Jared finished his sentence, a new guy appeared at the doorway.

"Emily said you guys were here, can I do anything to help...?"

Y/N and the new guy locked eyes.

She felt her face clam up, she was definitely red, but she couldn't break the eye contact. He was beautiful, his deep brown eyes not wavering from her own.

Sam and Jared look between them, then back at each other.

Sam chuckles, "looks like Paul is joining us for dinner too" he whispers to Jared"Y/N this is Paul, Paul this is Y/N, she's new to town and Charlie asked us to help get her house set up while he's at work".

"Y/N" Paul whispers, still not breaking eye contact.

Those words that Y/N heard just weeks before, the words that brought her world crashing down around her suddenly didn't matter anymore. Looks like this plan could work out quite well, she thought, as she smiled to herself.

"Nice to meet you Paul".

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