Carlisle Cullen | Mr I want to suck your blood (VI)

633 21 2

By : it-was-all-a-beautiful-dream | Tumblr

Warnings: none

Word count: 1.2k


"So, you're saying that the reason Y/N can hear thoughts and have visions is because she's slowly transitioning into a vampire?" Bella seemed so confused, but to be honest, everyone was. It was apparently a really rare occurrence. Like a one in a billion chance of happening, but then again, you were just that unlucky. Carlisle had explained that after researching for hours and hours with the help of Alice and Edward, that the reason this was happening was because a tiny particle of venom had stayed behind in the body. Not big enough to kill or turn you straight away, but there enough so that when your blood is being pumped around your body, so is the tiny fleck of venom, which is causing your weird symptoms. So the two choices basically came to, either you wait for months, deteriorate slowly and it gets more painful the longer you wait, or you're bitten and turned quicker to stop the painful process. Great. One way or another, you were going to become "Mrs I want to suck your blood."

It was a lot of information for you to take in at once and it didn't help that you could hear everyones thoughts. For the first time, you looked at Carlisle, he looked pissed, but then his face softened as he could see the conflicting emotions in your eyes.

"Give us the room." Carlisles voice was commanding and authoritative. Everyone looked at you with saddened frowns and then left. It was just you and your vampire soul mate. The man who swore to protect you and then left you when he realised you were too much of a fragile human. You were still hurting, but there was no one you wanted more right now than Carlisle. You didn't have to speak, his arms came around you, your head pressed up against his cold marble chest. The tears came automatically, Carlisles touch the last thing you could handle before the dam broke wide open. You weren't that sad you were becoming a vampire, you didn't really know why you were crying, maybe it's because you knew the human part of you would die, that was the real tragedy.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, i'm so sorry it's come to this." His hold on you seemed to tighten a little. It screamed "I'm never gonna let you go", but was that something you could really be sure of? He's done it once, is becoming a vampire really going to change that?

"You left me Carlisle. You left and all this was happening and I thought I was going crazy and I had to do it all on my own and you just left." Your sobs were harder now and you were so angry at him but your hands clutched the fabric of his shirt so tightly you thought it might rip in your grasp. He stroked your hair his lips pressed firmly to your forehead and you think if vampires could cry he would be crying with you.

"Please forgive me Y/N, I thought I was protecting you, I didn't think I would be good enough for you, I wanted you to have a normal life, not one full of pain and death. Now I realise I was wrong. The minute you walked out of this house, I knew I had made the biggest mistake of my life, the only reason I didn't come after you was because I thought you'd hate me forever. I had to at least give you a chance at some normalcy but I understand now that wherever you are, I need to be too. I love you and I'll continue loving you for as long as we both shall live."


You didn't forgive Carlisle straight away, as much as you wanted to dive into his arms and stay protected from the world, you didn't. It didn't mean things weren't getting better though. Your relationship that is, not the whole slowly transitioning into a vampire thing.

The whole Cullen family was set on trying to find a way to reverse the "Half Bite" as Emmett liked to call it. At this point you were so drained and fed up with the new intrusive abilities, that you were so close to giving yourself a paper cut just so Jasper would take you out there and then.

Having the new abilities and sometimes the added strength and speed of a vampire in a humans body did not work well. It was like adding oil to water. They didn't mix at all. Somedays you could hear your bones creaking, sometimes you felt like you could heard your heart beat getting weaker. You knew that if you weren't turned soon, you were going to die. Part of you knows the Cullens knew that. The worrying glances every second was a dead giveaway. So what were they waiting for? Maybe it was Edward... was he worried for my soul like he was for Bella. Maybe it was Rose, she'd never wanted the life she was granted, she would have given anything to be a human and have a normal life, family.... kids..

It wasn't like those things didn't weigh on your mind sometimes, they did. But you knew it would be impossible to have kids with Carlisle anyway, he was the one you would be with for all eternity so it didn't really matter in the long run.

You'd decided today would be the day you finally gave in. You needed to be heard, you needed them to finally listen to you regardless of their feelings. After all, it was your life. You knew that you would have eventually wanted to become a vampire anyway, there was no doubt about that. It was just going to happen sooner than expected, that's all.

So there you were, weak and fragile sitting on the sofa about to announce something you knew would rock the metaphorical boat. You stood and everyones eyes found you in an instant, the sudden attention made you shiver. Edward sighed. You glared.

"It's time, I can't continue like this." Even you voice sounded weak. Croaky and hoarse. Carlisle's cold hand came to rest on the bottom of your back. You coughed, it made your whole chest rattle and you watched as your new found vampire family grimaced at the sound. "I'm dying and you a-all know it's just a matter of ti-"

You couldn't have been more right. Your sentence stopped and you sucked in a sharp breath. The cough must have dislodged something because before you knew it you were crashing towards the floor in agony, your ribs sticking out in weird directions. Carlisle caught you before you hit the ground, Bella screamed and so did Alice. Everyone else was moving too fast to see. It didn't matter anyway, your eyes were closing and soon, all you knew was darkness and pain.


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