Sam Uley | The Fight

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By : marvelatthetwilight | Tumblr


"I can't even look at you right now!" You shout across the room. Sam's face is pink with anger, he's shaking, with a small growl starting in his chest.

"Sam just go away!" You run up the stairs, slamming the bedroom door behind you and fling yourself on the bed, tears streaming down your face, your breathing heavy as you sob into the pillows.

You hear a door slam downstairs, then the definite sound of Sam's wolf growling as he runs towards the tree line. You would recognise that sound anywhere, although normally it would be waiting for him to come home after patrol. This time, you weren't sure if he would come home, but right now you didn't care.

Wrapping yourself in a blanket, you curl up on your side of the bed, fully dressed. Suddenly feeling tired from the fight, eventually you allow the exhaustion to kick in as you fall straight asleep.


A week later

"You've got to come see him Y/N he looks a mess" Paul pleads through the door.

"Nope! He can come to me, I'm not apologising." You respond, looking at yourself in the mirror, bags under your eyes, skin looking flat and lifeless. Being away from Sam was definitely having an effect, but you weren't going to admit to Paul that you couldn't sleep without Sam, that you were struggling to eat, or have any kind of fun.

"That's the problem Y/N. He just won't get up. He's not sleeping, not eating. I don't even know how long it's been since he cracked a smile. Pleaaaase!" Paul pleads again.

"I'm not coming Paul. I need time." You say softly.

"Ok. Just let us know if we can do anything to help you two. We need our pack leader back. Urgently."

You hear his steps away from the house and the door slam to his truck. You sigh deeply, trudging back upstairs to throw yourself on the bed again.


The following week

After being sent home Monday morning for exploding at a customer, you realised you needed to get your life back on track. You needed to shower. Properly. You needed to eat. Properly. But to do all of that you needed one thing.

You needed Sam.

Grabbing your phone, you type a message out to Paul.

- Is Sam at yours?

- Yup. On the sofa. Not moved all day.

- I'll be over in 30 minutes.


You smile at Paul's reaction. As much as you wanted Sam to be the one to come to you, the imprint link had left you both sad and exhausted, and you couldn't continue the fight any longer. You needed him. You knew from the fights you'd seen from Kim and Jared that the pack felt everything far deeper than their imprints. You didn't want to punish him any longer.

Jumping in the shower you start mentally preparing your speech for when you see Sam. I don't want to feel second best to the pack. I understand what the pack means to you but I need to feel important too.

You grab whatever bits of make up you can find and make your best attempt to cover up the bags which have formed under your eyes. Pulling on a pair of jeans and a loose fitting top, you brush through your hair and take a final look in the mirror. It'll do.


Before you even get to knock on Paul's front door, it swings open to show Paul and Jared, both looking tired but excited to see you.

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