Paul Lahote | The Side That's Just For Me

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By : wiltingdaisies | Tumblr

words: 1,897
character: paul lahote
fandom: twilight
genre: fluff, kinda angsty ?
note: (f/n/1) = friend's name 1 , (f/n/2) = friend's name 2
warnings: just paul being an absolute sweetheart. i see a lot of lil imagines and stuff that focus a lot on the hot-headed side of paul, so i wanted to write something about him and his girlfriend/imprint (the reader) that was just fluffy and cute and fleshed out what i imagine paul to be like a lil more. you seriously cannot convince me that paul would not be the sweetest, bestest boyfriend.

 I tap my fingers against the worn wooden desk, willing my teacher to be done lecturing the class about test scores. Across the room from me, Paul catches my eye, sliding a finger across his throat and rolling his eyes. This makes me laugh softly to myself and I cover my mouth with a hand to keep myself from laughing too loudly.

After fifteen minutes of being lectured, the bell rings, signaling the end of school for the day. I sling my backpack over my shoulder and wait by the door for Paul. Once most of the class has flooded past me, I feel Paul's fingers slide into mine, a comfortable feeling, as he drags me away from our math class and to a diner down the road from the school.

Paul and I don't say anything at first as we walk to the diner. That's how it always is, and that's how we like it. As we walk, I study Paul. His cropped, dark hair is sticking up in different directions, as usual, but I like it that way. There's a new bruise on his cheekbone, and his knuckles are bruised and covered in scratches and scabbed over cuts.

"Did you get in another fight? I didn't have the chance to ask at lunch," I ask, running my thumb across his knuckles.

He shrugs, sighing, "It was Julius. He was saying bad things about you. At first I tried to just let it slide. But I couldn't. So I confronted him. I just wanted to talk but he just kept saying stupid things. So I punched him in the nose."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't say that. It's not your fault. You can't control him. He's an idiot."

"Hm," I hum, still feeling bad that I was the topic that drove Paul over the edge.

Paul stops walking and turns me to face him, "Seriously, (y/n/n), don't feel bad. Julius was trying to get on my nerves and unfortunately, he succeeded. But you can't put that on yourself, okay?"

I nod my head and we continue walking. When we're almost to the diner, I laugh quietly to myself, "I bet it was a hell of a right hook to the nose though, huh?"

"Yeah," Paul laughs and looks at me, typical smug look dancing across his features. Though it's true that Paul does have some anger issues and little restraint when it comes to them, I know he means well. And hardly anyone sees him the way I do. And that makes me feel special. Like he reserves this soft side of himself for only me.

"What do you want?" Paul asks when we get inside the diner.

I set our stuff down at a table by the windows, "Hm, just the usual. Or whatever you're having. I'm not that hungry though."

Paul smiles at me, lets go of my hand and opens up the menu in front of us. He scans it until a waitress makes her way over to us to take our order. We both get water and he orders food for both of us. I look out the window, watching as the world goes by outside.

I feel Paul watching me. I turn my head to face him and give him a small smile, reaching to hold hand across the table. We don't say anything until the waitress comes back with our food and our drink. Just as we're about to eat, the bell above the door to the diner jingles and we turn around, seeing some friends of ours. Well, more so friends of mine.

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