Paul Lahote | Can I Tell You A Secret?

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By : imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl | Tumblr

Word count: 835

Requested by anon: Prompts, 81 and 99 for Paul lahote please!!

Prompt: 81- "You touch her, I kill you." and 99 "You act like you're the bad boy, but you're not."


For the third time today, Jason, the stupidest boy you could ever meet, tries to ask you out. He's kinda cute, but has a mean heart, and that you can't accept. As you walk out the Forks High School, you struggle to be polite with him despite everything.

"Jason, I'm busy tonight, alright?" You'd keep walking but he gets in your way, forcing you to stop and look at him.

"Busy again?"

Taking a deep breath, you feel relieved when you spot that boy again, Paul Lahote, and his eyes meet you immediately. You still don't know why he shows up every day, apparently just to talk or walk you home. At first, you thought he felt something for you, but after four months, you don't really know what to think. But right now you couldn't be happier to see him.

"Oh, there's my... friend! See you later, Jason." Excusing yourself, you lock eyes with Paul and walk straight to him, hoping Jason isn't following you.

"Why is he bugging you again?" Paul keeps his distance, the hard look on his face, the same he always shows off.

"He'll get over it. Eventually."

"Want me to walk you home?" Paul inquires, but his eyes aren't on you.

"What?" You mutter as you turn around to see the idiot, approaching you with a mean grin. "Shit, Jason, what do you want?"

"I want to understand. You're not a big deal, (Y/N), and I'm trying to give you a chance but instead, you stick with this man who's certainly full of pity for you."

You freeze, trying to put his words in order. For a second you feel like shit, looking down and stepping back. But then you feel it, the smallest of gesture that brings an unknown strength to you. Paul lightly touches the small of your back, holding you in your place.

"You're a jerk, Jason."

Half a second after you're done talking, Jason grabs your arm violently making you moan in pain. But in the same moment, you see Paul moving and Jason lose his grip, being thrown away and falling on his butt, one hand on his nose. He's bleeding nose. You pull Paul's jacket until he stops yelling at Jason.

"You touch her, I kill you!" Paul barks to a frightened Jason who's trying to get away without tripping on his own feet. "Stay the hell away from (Y/N)."

"Hey, c'mon." You start walking away, tugging on his sleeve.

The long way to your house is silent. You don't know why he's so quiet, but you won't break the ice. There's a light snow falling when you finally reach your front door. Turning on your heels to face Paul, you give him a small smile.

"So, I'm-"

"(Y/N), you can't believe what that idiot said, alright?" He steps forward, getting closer. "Sorry to interrupt you, but you need to know this. You're beautiful and any man would be lucky to have you."

You look down to your hands, hiding your blushed cheeks. But a smile is taking place in your lips. You don't know why but you just feel insanely comfortable with him. When you finally get the courage to look into his eyes again, you notice that his 'bad boy' face is gone. Paul's eyes are kind and loving. It makes you want to hug him.

"Can I tell you a secret?" He nods and you tiptoe to whisper in his ear. "You act like you're the bad boy, but you're not."

The smile you see on his lips when you step back makes your world fall apart.

"So, today it's my turn to cook and I bet my mom will love to meet my knight in shining armour. Would you like to help me and then have dinner with us?" You take your keys off your pocket and unlock the door, gesturing for him to come in.

"Sure. But I'm not a very good cooker."

"Are you saying yes? Because we've been talking for like three or four months and well, I don't know why since you never said anything." Bracing yourself from the cold, you turn on the lights and the heater, throwing your backpack on the couch.

"Uhm, yeah. Let's just say I like you and I truly need to be around you." Paul's low voice makes you stop in your tracks. By the look in his eyes, you don't think he's lying.

"Well... You need?"

"Yes. Someday maybe I'll explain you. If you want me to." He looks around, his gaze lingering on pictures of you and your mom. "Now, let's make your mother a surprise."

"Great idea." You smile at him, walking to the kitchen. "So, now you'll actually ask me out or something?"

"This could be our first date. Why don't you tell me your story."

"Alright, Paul Lahote. But only if you tell me yours. All of it." You start taking stuff out off your fridge, your eyes always meeting his.

"Let's get started then."

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