Carlisle Cullen | Behind Enemy Lines

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By : stanathanxoox | Tumblr

A Carlisle x wolf reader where she's running in his land and the Cullens surround her to demand why, it turns out she's packless so they let her off but she imprints on Carlisle so refuses to leave (idk how to end it)


You were running through the forest, running from the pack who had disowned you and hated you. You couldn't believe that they had thrown you out for speaking your mind at a time when you were doing what you believed to be what the pack needed to do. Sam had been the real reason you had been kicked out, whilst the others had agreed with you, it had been Sam's word that caused you to leave. You let out an anguished howl as you continued to run before you're surrounded by them, the cold ones, the vampires that you had been told all about, but had been protecting the-cold-ones girlfriend from the other cold-one, the redhead.

"Whose this?" one of them says

"Why is this wolf running through our land?" another queries, you quickly glance between the three vampires that surround you

"It's Y/N, she was a member of the pack but it seems Sam has kicked her out" you whimper as the vampire, you know as Edward says.

"Sam kicked out a member of the pack?" another vampire says as he joins the others, you watch him, keeping an eye on him as you feel something inside you change. Your natural hatred for the cold-one's shifts as you lay eyes on the head of the Cullen coven for the first time. You whimper again and Edward gasps, the others turning to him as they await a response

"What is it?" Carlisle asks and they all turn to Edward as he looks to you

"It seems Y/N has imprinted on you Carlisle" the others all gasp as you whimper again before Carlisle crouches down in front of you, meeting your eyes

"Y/N, do you have anywhere to stay?" he asks and you shake your head

"Well how about you come and stay with us, I can't have you falling into harm's way because of another's actions" he says and you look at him, and he looks to Edward before Edward gives a slight nod.

You follow the vampires back towards their house and as you reach the edge of the tree line, Alice meets you out on the balcony

"Why did all of our futures just disappear?" she asks and then she sees you standing behind Carlisle, Bella and Esme join Alice on the deck and Bella asks

"Isn't that Y/N?" the group of vampires who had been with you in the forest all nod

"What is she doing here?" Esme asks, concerned

"She was kicked out of the pack" Carlisle says and then looks over at you before Edward says

"What Carlisle neglected to mention was that she imprinted on him and he's offered her a place to stay with us" Alice frowns and Esme starts making her way towards you

"Oh, you poor thing. We'd be happy to have you stay with us my dear" you look at her and give a happy bark. Esme looks over her shoulder before she says

"Alice please go and retrieve something for Y/N to wear", Alice gives a slight smile before she disappears and returns just moments later carrying a change of clothes and a pair of shoes for you to wear. You disappear behind the tree line, Alice following as you change into the clothes she hands you once your back in your human form. You smile at her once you're fully dressed.

"Thank you Alice" you say and she smiles.

"Think nothing of it Y/N" she says and you smile.

It takes you just a couple of weeks to settle into your new life with the Cullens, they let you go on hunting trips with them and you even transferred schools. But your favourite thing to do was to be as close to Carlisle as possible, whether he was studying in his office or working in the lounge you were there, with him. He didn't mind the company, at first he would look up at you every couple of minutes and try to make small talk with you, but as time passes the two of you start having deeper, more personal conversations. It was clear to anyone who saw you with Carlisle that the two of you had become very fond of each other even if you weren't romantic, you quickly learnt that your role of imprinting on Carlisle would be as a companion, to guard and protect and you were okay with that, as a matter of fact, you were grateful for it. When you had been living with the Cullens for about six months, one of the boys in your year, a new transfer student to Forks had caught your attention and had quickly asked you out, you had agreed and your relationship with the young man was one of the best things to come from leaving the pack, you truly were the happiest you had ever been.

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