55. Alec Volturi | Sound Of Silence

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By : avyannadawn | Tumblr

Warning: sensory overload; fluff; mini panic attack


You sat on the couch in the lounge room. Felix sitting beside you as the two of you versed one another on Mario Kart.

Alec watched from the other side of the room with a smirk. Never had he ever seen anyone beat the giant brute at any video game. And yet, here you were, a human, whooping Felix's ass.

Felix let out a frustrated groan. "Alec! Your human is cheating! This- they- No!" Everyone else in the room laughed as you won the last race in the Prix.

"Don't be a sore loser, Felix." Jane's sharp voice cut off Felix's flabbergasted sentence. Felix whipped his head to face the blond twin, a mocking glare painted across his face. But before he could say anything, he let out a yelp of pain. His eyes narrowing in on Jane, who only smiled in response.

The sound rang in your ears, the vibrations of his shout making you feel lightheaded as you handed the remote back to Felix. "Thanks, Fee, maybe a rematch later?"

He let out a bark of laughter as he sent you a wink. "Sure thing, little human, though next time, I won't go easy on you."

His chuckling made your head twitch a little bit. You forced a small smile as you rolled off the couch and made your way to Alec, your mate. His eyes narrowed as he watched you clench your fists. As you sat down next to him, he was quick to pull you to him, wrapping an arm around you. He leant down so that his lips were barely an inch away from your ear, "are you okay, sweetness?"

You let out a sharp "yes," pulling yourself closer to your mate. Alec knew you weren't alright, your body's twitches were a huge indicator for that.

You genuinely loved nights like these, ones where everyone would sit around in the lounge as a movie played. It was nice to see them all relaxed and act like themselves. Seeing Janes cold exterior crumble into small smiles and giggles warmed your heart. She was practically like a sister to you, given that you're the mate of her brother. Sure she never acted like it at first, but she came around after she saw how happy you made Alec.

As much as you adored your weekly movie nights, you weren't a fan of how rowdy it could get. With all the lights in the room flashing and the noise of the movie on top of the voices. It quickly became a lot.

You felt a cold hand on your own. You jumped at the sudden contact, your mind feeling as if was suddenly going haywire. Your eyelids shuddered uncontrollably as you looked up to see your mates worried expression. Alec pulled you closer to him, almost as if attempting to shield you from everything. "Are you okay? if you need, we can to our room."

You opened your mouth to say no, but your neck involuntarily jolted your head into his side as a squeak passed your lips. You winced as your head hit his ribs. The collision sent small waves of shock through your brain.

You felt an extra hand on your side, an additional one to Alec's. You removed your face from his side to see Demetri. Demetri had taken the role as an older brother, alongside Felix when you first came to the castle. He sat on your other side, rubbing a hand up and down your back soothingly as you felt your mind calm down. Both Alec and Demetri sat by you, and having them both next to you made you smile. You couldn't express in words how grateful you were to have them in your life. No one had ever been as patient or even accepting of your sensory issues as them, and to have two of the people you admired most sitting by you and helping you meant so much.

You calmed down long enough to see to the end of the movie. But as soon as the film ended, you excused yourself from the room, muttering how you were going to bed. Alec grabbed your hand before you could leave. "Are you okay? Do you want me to come with you?"

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