Cullens | Broken Angel (I)

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By : darkestdesired | Tumblr


"Watch over them and see if they are worthy of redemption" That's why i was sent to earth.I am the youngest of the angels allowed to travel to earth.This was my first time setting floor on land,I've only ever flew above hidden from the naked eye in order to learn about the Cullen's that i am to watch over. I was to disguise myself as a normal human and watch them from the background,keep myself hidden.Well that's not exactly easy when you have the grace of god to look noticable. I was just going to keep my head down and hope for the best. I decided to land in the forest next to the school and hide my wings.I walked into the parking lot With my head down I was holding onto my golden pendant necklace when i glanced to see the Cullen's all staring at me. I hurried to the school. Oh heavenly father they saw me,what do i do,they weren't supposed to see me! This confused the one known as Edward,I had forgotten he was blessed with the ability to read minds. They watched as i entered the school.Edward turned to his siblings,"Apparently we weren't supposed to see her. Her thoughts were frantic but filled with super religious stuff." Emmett laughed "Maybe she's one of those girls from a weird christian town?" They Bell rang and everyone entered the school. I Sat down in my art class and saw Rosalie sit at the table next to me. She seemed to be ignoring me so i decided to paint to pass the time.


When i finished I said a quiet prayer then began cleaning my paints. I hadn't noticed that Rosalie was watching me the whole time. Her expression was hard to read so i tried to avoid eye contact. "You're a really good artist." Her voice caught me off guard. "o-oh...t-thank you,But it is simply the work of god." I said in a soft and quite voice."Aren't you a little too into god.I mean how do you know if he's even real or not?" It was hard not to show how much her innocent question offended me. "You may believe whatever you wish,I know personally that our heavenly father is a very powerful being." I left it at that and handed her the painting. She took it and looked at me confused."It doesn't hurt to have a little faith." I left it at that and carried on with my day, Worrying if i was too harsh. It was finally time for Lunch. I looked around and found an empty table by the window,The Cullen's table was next to it but still far enough to not be able to hear them talk. I took your lunch tray and sat,I said a quiet Prayer and began eating.I could see the Cullen's walk over and sit at My table. Everyone in the cafeteria was stunned.You could see everyone whispering but you kept your head down and kept eating as they stared at you. "I'm sorry about earlier,i didn't mean to offend you." Rosalie gave me an apologetic smile. I gave a small small and continued eating. "It's alright,i'm sorry too. I've been told i shouldn't cause conflict.I shouldn't have said anything." I lowered my head more,hiding my ashamed face. I'm supposed to just watch over them,I'm already failing my mission. Edward gave me a confused face "What's your name?" I tried to decide whether i should tell them my name,but i decided it's the least i could do."(y/n) Grace" Rosalie smiled. "Seems very befitting." I blushed lightly. You have no idea. "So (y/n),What's your story?" I thought for a moment. "Well,I Was sent here by my father.He Wanted me to be around age .I've been home schooled my whole life.." They all smiled. "Do you live with your father?" Bella asked.She was the newest member of the Cullen's along with her daughter. Father almighty wanted me to keep a keen eye on the little girl and keep her and her family from harm while i was on earth. " live by myself at the moment.I don't exactly have any friends in this town to live with." They all looked at each other. Alice chimed in with a gleeful smile "Why don't you join us for dinner?We'd love to get to know you more!" I bit my lip.I really shouldn't...but maybe if i learn more about them,i could protect them closer. "If it's truly alright,i would love to." That's when the bell rang and everyone began to file out.I Said goodbye and walked to my last class.

I walked out to the parking lot and noticed Alice waving me over."Hey need a ride?" I shook my head."No I need to do a few things before Dinner. Alice nodded and gave me their address. "Thank you,I shall see you all soon." I walked Over to the entrance of the woods,I looked over to see them watching me.I waved and disappeared into the woods.

I flew a through the forest On my way to the Cullen's home when i heard a little girl scream.I felt my chest tightening,It was renesme ,she was in trouble! I flew towards the scream to see her running away from a wolf. She tripped and fell and before the wolf could pounce i landed in between them staring the wolf in the eyes and used my wings to block it from renesme. "Begone before i send you to meet your maker!" My voice boomed startling both of them. The cullen's ran up and stop when they saw What was going on.They were shocked and renesme ran into her father's arms. "(y/n)?" Rosalie's voice was filled with pure confusion. The wolf scurried off and i turned to them lowering my wings to my side


"Are you my gaurdian angel?" Renesme had an adorable smile on her face. "Yes...i was sent by god to protect you all." They were speechless. Rosalie smiled. "Guess that explains The whole 'surper religous' personality of yours." I laughed lightly. "Yes i suppose it does." Renesme ran up and rubbed her hand on my wing,I spread them out so she could see the whole thing. I noticed a scrape on her knee,I picked her up princess style."We have a lot to discuss.I suggest we move now before that wolf returns." They all nodded. "She is injured so i shall fly her there." Before they could say anything I flew off,soaring through the trees as they ran under me. Renesme looked like a little child on christmas. 


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