Seth Clearwater

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By : wolfpackimagines14 | Tumblr

Can you do an imagine where Seth imprints on the reader and they're best friends and Seth saves her from a vampire and they kiss. Can you make it angst-y? Thanks! I love your writing!! :)


When Seth told me about me being his imprint, I was a little overwhelmed. Seth and I had been best friends since we were in diapers and when he had told me that were basically soulmates I didn't know what to feel.

Seth and I had never been anything more than 'just friends' no matter how many times I wished it could be more. When he had told me that we were soulmates, for a split second I had thought that he might feel the same way. But then he had said that being imprints didn't mean we had to be together romantically; in fact he had frantically told me that it meant nothing had to change and that we could still be 'just friends.'

That was 2 months ago and sure it was great being best friends with him, but I wanted something more, but only if he wanted it too.

Lately I hadn't seen too much of him or the pack. There had been some unusual activity in the woods on the north side our land so they'd been doing more patrols than usual.

I was currently driving to Emily's for the weekly pack dinner/meeting. I hadn't seen Seth in a few days so I was excited, which may have influenced how fast I was driving at the moment.

I let out a loud gasp when something, or rather someone, appeared in the middle of the road. I veered off the side of the road, right into a large tree. Luckily I was wearing my seatbelt and my airbags went off, but I was still a bit dazed and banged up.

Before I could even realize what happens, the door to the driver's side of the car was yanked off it's hinges and thrown further into the woods. I gasped in pain as a cold hand grabbed my arm, it must be broken or sprained at the least, and pulled me out of the wrecked car.

I groaned as the person held me up against my car. I still hadn't gotten my bearings so I was a bit dazed. The person got close to me... smelling me?

"Mmm," he moaned. "I could smell you from a mile away... I bet you taste amazing."

I stiffened as I realized that this mysterious man was, in fact, a vampire. I tried to get out of his grip, but that was obviously useless.

"No no no," I cried. "Please, no."

He only laughed at me, stepping back from my trembling body.

"Oh I'm gonna enjoy this," he grinned, but before he could get another word out he was tackled to the ground.

I sank to the ground, clutching my hurt arm. Three wolves were currently tearing apart the vampire. I recognized one as Sam, but my vision was a bit blurry from all the tears so I couldn't recognize any other ones, until a pair of brown eyes were right in front of me.

"(Y/N)?" Seth's familiar voice rang through. "Are you okay?"

"Mhmm," I groaned. He gripped my face with both his hands, making me look him in the eye. "Oh my god... he was gonna kill me."

I started breathing more shallow, feeling a panic attack rising.

"Shh, shh, shh," he reassured me. "You're alright, baby."

I finally got a grip on myself, but then I glanced around him, and before he could pull me back I saw the vampire in pieces scattered on the ground.

I turned back to Seth, my eyes wide. He could sense another panic attack coming on because he leaned in to kiss me. My eyes widened even more if that was possible before I leaned into the kiss even more, closing them.

I tried to wrap my arms around him, forgetting that it was most likely broken. I groaned, pulling away from him.

"I'm sorry!" he exclaimed, mistaking my groan for me not liking the kiss. "It was just on instinct! I was just so worried, I almost lost you and I hadn't ever kissed yo-"

"Seth," I interrupted his rambling. "The kiss was fine, great actually. I just think I broke my arm when I crashed into the tree."

"Oh..." he trailed off. "So you're okay with me kissing you?"

"Oh my god, dude!" Jared exclaimed from behind us, making us both jump. "You're both obviously in love with each other so do us all a favor and figure that all out. But first you should probably get her to a hospital cause that arm is most definitely broken."

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