Demetri Volturi | Fighting Destiny (I)

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By : marvelatthetwilight | Tumblr

You and Demetri used to be lovers until he met his mate, a human. You do your best to avoid him around the castle, but you are sent on a mission together, just the two of you and you have to work through your feelings.


"Are you sure there is no one else who could go with him?" You ask Marcus as those gathered in the Great Hall disperse after assignments were handed out.

"Sorry dear one, the combination of Demetri's tracking and your cloaking ability is the only way to get close enough to these nomads." He places a hand on your shoulder and squeezes gently in comfort as your face falls. As your maker Marcus has always had a soft spot for you, thinking of you as the daughter he never had, and he was always your sounding board for anything that worried you in life. This time was no different.

"It's just so...difficult to be around him." You whisper as he looks down at you in concern, he goes to speak but pauses as he notices Demetri approaching with Ella, his new human mate. They come to a stop beside you and as Demetri addresses Marcus, he avoids eye contact with you, Ella at his side smirks as she watches the interaction, reaching for his hand as she watches you from the corner of her eye.

"Master Marcus, are you able to ensure that Ella is looked after in my absence?" You try to suppress an eye roll as Demetri pulls their hands to his face and presses a kiss to Ella's hand, causing her to giggle like a child. A female human quality that you despised.

"Of course Demetri." Marcus nods at Ella in greeting, then returns his gaze to you.

"My dear one, I have every faith that you will do the right thing, you are and will always be a beautiful soul, and beautiful souls are never unhappy for long." He winks subtly at you as he walks past causing you to smile, your eyes following Marcus as he walks away down the corridor, coming to a stop when someone blocks your view.

"What did master Marcus mean by that Y/N?" Ella asks whilst Demetri tries to gesture for them to leave.

You narrow your eyes at her. She's a nosy little human. "Nothing for you to worry your little human mind over." You reply, turning to leave the opposite way to Marcus. As you leave, you hear Ella complaining to Demetri about the way that you looked at her, the way you spoke to her. "Aren't you going to say anything Demi? You hear her whinge. Demi. He hated that nickname.

A couple of hours later you hesitantly wait near the main doors for Demetri, trying to calm yourself for being alone in Demetri's company for the first time in months.

"They haven't even had sex yet y'no." Felix whispers as he appears at your side, you narrow your eyes at him before replying.

"And how do you know that?" He shrugs.

"Dem told me." You frown in response, wanting to ask a follow up question, but unsure if you want to know the reply.

"I think he feels bad he has nothing interesting to update me on anymore." Felix laughs, and you realise he was watching you, knowing exactly what your mind was thinking. You hit him, making him flinch, but somehow this doesn't stop his hysterical laughter, which you ignore as you watch Demetri and Ella say their goodbyes.

A few minutes pass until Felix has calmed himself enough to continue talking, and he follows your eye line to the couple ahead of you.

"He barely even kisses her. I've heard her complaining to Heidi, like Heidi cares." He whispers again as you watch Demetri place a delicate kiss to Ella's hand and as she awkwardly leans forward to reciprocate his show of affection with a kiss he turns his head so she ends up kissing his cheek.

"He's trying to reject her." He whispers again, you turn to look at him as he watches his best friend, his expression looks sorrowful. When he turns back to you he offers you a small smile.

"He hasn't said that's what he's doing...but I can tell. He doesn't look at her the way he looked at you."

You don't reply, unsure of what to say. In the months that had passed since Demetri had found Ella you had done your best to avoid them both, and when Demetri had tried to speak to you, you walked away, eventually using your gift so that he couldn't track you in the castle. It was too painful to think about him, to talk to him. You didn't want Felix's words to impact you, didn't want to feel hopeful because ultimately, the pull of a mate is unavoidable. As strong as your love was for each other, the two of you inseparable for nearly two hundred years, Ella was his mate, his soul mate, and they were destined to be together.

Ultimately, whatever happened on this mission you couldn't be together. That much you knew. No matter how much you wanted it to happen and no matter how much Demetri tried to fight his destiny.

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