Alec Volturi | Soft Alphabet

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By : avyannadawn | tumblr 


A - Affection (how do they show affection)

Alec adores affection. Whether he's the one giving it or receiving it. Having been deprived of affection for literally millennia's, he melts when you show him any form of love.

He'll come up behind you, grabbing your hand and entwining your fingers together, rubbing circles on the hand of your hand with his thumb.

Alec in most ways is old fashioned. He loves to leave little notes for you when he has to go on missions and returns home with a few of your favourite flowers. Always taking you on small strolls through the gardens or to a nearby isolated waterfall/lake where the two of you can just happily exist together.

B - Balance (how do they balance you, work/school/life?)

He'll con Aro into letting you in the higher guard. He doesn't like the thought of having you somewhere outside of his line of sight in fear of you getting hurt or not being able to protect yourself. It's not that he doesn't trust you, he does, he just doesn't trust others. It may not feel like it due to him working all the time but you are his first priority along with his sister. He'll never allow what he does or is put a rift in your bond. If he has to go on long missions he always makes sure to take time off after to spend it with you.

C - Cuddles (do they enjoy cuddling? what positions?)

Oh hell yes, any excuse to wrap you in his arms is an amazing excuse in his eyes. He loves sleepy hugs because when you're so tired, you just lean into or on him. He's smitten with how vulnerable you look when you lay on him, half asleep with your eyes closed.

Almost as if he's committed it to muscle memory, he'll automatically give you a side up and a small kiss to the temple every time he sees you throughout the day while he's working. If the two of you are relaxing on the couch, he adores it when you lay on top of him, your head delicately resting on his chest.

D - Date (what was your first date?)

Alec is more observant than people give him credit for, and with him being young, he sees what people 'his age' do for dates. He took you to go see a movie at the cinema, letting you pick what movie to watch. Much to Alec's surprise, it wasn't half bad, but incomplete honesty he wasn't really paying attention to the movie rather your reactions to it. God, he loved seeing your face light up at something funny that happened or how you subconsciously squeeze his hand if a scene scared you. Alec was hanging off every expression and movement you made during the movie, smiling as he watched you.

E - Excited (how excited do they get when they see you/are with you?)

He tries to refrain from showing you how happy he is to see you but his eyes give it away. The usual dead and vacant look that his eyes usually hold start to shine when he sees you. Demetri and Felix often tease him about it but shut up instantly when Alec threatens to strip them of their sight for a week. Even Jane starts to get annoyed with him but she's glad you make her brother happy.

F - Fighting (what happens when you fight)

The only times fights ever really break out is if it has anything to do with your safety and wellbeing. In the heat of the moment, he can say some horrid stuff but you know it always comes from a good place. He loves you so much and waited years for you and he doesn't want to lose you, not now, not ever.

G - Gorgeous (pet names. what do they like to call you? what do they like to be called?)

Darling and my love are common names that he loves to call you. Depending on his mood he'll call you sweetheart or Mia Cara but you know you did something wrong when he calls you your real name.

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