Alec Volturi | Spills And Corsets

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By : ineedmorefanfics2 | Tumblr

Summary: After an accident that results in Y/N's clothes getting ruined, she's forced to wear a corset for the rest of the day.

Warnings: Swearing

Alec Volturi X Fem!Reader

Jane Volturi X Platonic!Fem!Reader


Y/N, though the only human in the room, wasn't intimated by the least. Actually she was rather comfortable, contently eating her dinner as the others drank from their chalices filled with blood.

Aro and Marcus were diligently making conversation, Felix and Demetrius trying to best each other in an arm wrestle, Caius brooding as usual, Jane trying to figure out a rubix cube Y/N had let her use and Alec staring intently at his mate.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." She teased as she met Alec's eyes.

"No photograph could capture your beauty." He replied nonchalantly.

"Gross." Jane muttered as she continued working with the colored cube.

"Oh hush sister." Alec rolled his eyes.

Y/N gingerly took a sip of her drink, ignoring the bickering siblings.

A loud slam gained the attention of the room, Y/N dropping her drink on her lap.

"Fuck." She cursed lowly, trying to wipe the growing stain to no use. She threw the napkin on the table, letting her attention fall to the source of the noise.

Caius' hand had made an indent in the table, his eyes focused solely on Y/N as he glared at her. "I'm sick of sharing the table with a human." He growled. "When will she be transformed?"

"Here we go again." Y/N groaned, earning another glare from the blonde.

"Watch your tongue if you know what's good for you." He seethed.

Alec clenched his fist. "I suggest you do the same Caius."

"I didn't ask for your opinion child." Caius grunted.

"Oh Caius!" Aro clapped his hands together. "In time she will be changed, we just need to be patient."

"If you don't mind me asking, what is it we're waiting for? I can barely stand being in the same room as her without trying to gobble her up." Demetri mumbled, ignoring the burning of Alec's glare.

"We are waiting on young Alec of course! He must be the one to change her, she's his mate after all." Aro stated.

"He's taking a very long time." Caius grumbled.

"We're still here you know." Y/N huffed. "And for your information, we're waiting for my birthday."

"You better be useful."

"I can feel her gifts brother." Aro smiled. "I think she'll be our greatest asset. Now dear Y/N, have Jane take you to your room so you can change." He gave her a small nod as she got up, following after Jane.

Alec watched as the two girls left before facing the others. "A month. Her birthday is in a month, and then she will be changed. I don't want to push her into it if she isn't comfortable. I'd rather have a human mate that loves me than a vampire mate that hates me." He spoke firmly, tone sharp as he aimed his words at Caius.

"Smart choice young Alec." Marcus said as he gave Alec a small smile.

"I believe it's an excellent choice! The closer she is to us, the more she'd be willing to help. When her powers develop she'll be amazing. I believe she'd be stronger than all of us!" Aro chuckled.

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