Caius Volturi | Talking

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By : twilightt-fantasy | Tumblr
Description: can I get a Caius reaction to the reader sleep talking? Make it sweet, make it funny, do whatever you like!


Caius sat in front of his desk, silently working on the paperwork in front of him. It was late at night. You were asleep in the bed next to his desk, sleeping soundly.

You had only been at the castle for a few weeks now. It was also the first night since you'd been there that Caius had been there when you fell asleep. Usually, he would give you your space.

That night, however, you asked him to stay in your room. You two were growing closer, and you felt comfortable enough to have him in there. He was happy that you were finally growing comfortable around him.

Suddenly, Caius heard a slurred string of words from your mouth. He turned, expecting you to be awake. He frowned at your sleeping state, "y/n?"

You rolled over onto your back, "where's the..."

He didn't catch the rest of your sentence as you mumbled the rest of it, "what?"

"What'd you do to it?" This time, you spoke louder, more urgently.

Caius began to grow concerned. He moved closer to your bed, and began to shake you awake, "y/n what're you talking about?"

"My God," you mumbled, tossing your head, "oh, my God."

Caius shook you harder. He just wanted to know what the hell you were talking about, and why you seemed so upset about it. Finally, after what felt like ages, you awoke.

You frowned, "Caius? What time is it?"

"Are you okay?"

"Um yes?" You questioned him, looking at him concerned, "are you?"

"You..." he stopped, utterly confused, "what were you talking about?"

"I was definitely asleep, Caius," you almost began to laugh at him when you remembered something your mom said to you when you were younger. You gulped, your face turning bright red.

You were sleep-talking.

Maybe you shouldn't have asked him to stay in your room after all.

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