Jasper Hale | What Is It Darling?

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By : stanathanxoox | Tumblr

You were in the clearing, you and the rest of the Cullens waiting for the wolf pack to turn up. You were talking happily to your boyfriend, head resting on his shoulder, when you hear a rustle through the trees and the padding of many paws making their way towards you all. Everyone's attention turns towards the wolves, as Jasper and Edward step forward you and Alice make your way over to stand beside Bella, listening to the words your boyfriend had said. As the discussion between Jasper and the wolves continue, Jacob comes over and stands beside Bella, and whilst Alice walks off, you stay put, you really didn't have any problem with Jacob and it seemed the feeling was mutual. You were listening and watching with intent, as you would be practicing these moves and your skills against the others and you really didn't want to make one wrong move. You watch as Edward and Carlisle fight, and then chuckle at Jasper's comment, he looks towards and smiles and you smile back. You watch as each of the vampires battle one of the other vampires, you go against Esme, Carlisle, Rosalie and Jasper before he announces that its time for the wolves and the vampires to get a chance to work together. With a promise that no one will actually do any harm to either wolf or vampire the battles begin. Your paired with one of the newer wolves, he's quite stand-offish towards all the vampires, you can see the worried looks Jasper is shooting in your direction and you keep on having to send him a reassuring nod or smile to get him off your back, you didn't want to worry your boyfriend any more than he already was. Whilst this wolf had not harmed any of the others during their training sessions, you had been trying to avoid one of the other battles happening close by when he took your distraction and used it to his advantage, knocking you backwards and crushing your body, enough to knock the wind out of you and for it to hurt but not enough to stop you from retaliating, you quickly manage to break free from his grip and wrap your arms around him tightly causing a loud crack as you hear one of his bones to break, you hadn't meant to cause him that much pain but being in pain yourself had you reacting differently to the attack. A loud whimper from the wolf is heard through the clearing before you let out a loud yelp in pain and feel yourself dropping to the ground, before you can hit the ground you feel the strong familiar arms of your boyfriend wrap themselves around you.

"Oh darlin' why'd you have to pair with him huh?" he asks as you feel your eyes close, the last thing you hear before you pass out is Jasper's worried voice calling out to Carlisle.

When you wake you find yourself in Carlisle's office on the bed he had in there for emergencies, not that it needed to be used very often. You try sitting up and at your movement Jasper rushes to your side, reaching out and placing his hand on your shoulder and pushing you back on the bed a little.

"Hey darlin', Carlisle says your perfectly fine, just had a little healin' up to do" he says, a small smile on his face, you give him a smile in return and he places a kiss on your forehead before slowly sitting up

"I feel like I got hit by a truck" you moan as you feel a slight twinge in your side

"Okay, I'm calling Carlisle" he says getting to his feet, you reach out and stop him by grabbing his hand

"Jas, I'm undead, there's not much I can die from" you say trying to reassure him, he tries to smile at your humor but it doesn't met his eyes, there's still so much worry in them and you sigh

"Okay you can call Carlisle" you say to try and reassure him.

As soon as Carlisle enters the room, Jasper is by your side his hand in yours the whole time as he watches Carlisle give you a thorough exam, he's a little concerned to see the bruising on your left side but he notices that it is slowly healing, he reassures you that with rest and maybe another feeding you will be back to normal within a couple of hours, he gets up and leaves, returning a couple of minutes later with an emergency supply of blood

"Drink up Y/N, it will help" Carlisle assures and you nod, looking over at your boyfriend sympathetically

"I'm sorry Jas" you whisper and he runs his hand through your hair

"I'm alright love, you need it more than I do" he says swallowing thickly, you continue to search his face before you nod your head and sink your head into the small bag of blood. Its human blood, you can taste the difference and as you lick your lips afterwards you crave it a little bit more. You groan, as it starts making you feel a bit nauseous and Jasper looks at you in concern

"What is it darlin'?" he asks, his southern accent getting heavy as his worry for you gets worse

"The taste of human blood, its kinda making me feel a bit nauseous" you say and he frowns leaning down to place a kiss on your forehead before he settles on the bed next to you, as the two of you look out the window at the setting sun.

"I'm so glad your okay love" he whispers and you smile

"I love you Jas" you say and he beams, turning his head towards you and capturing your lips in a kiss that is full of so much passion and love that it makes your heart swell

"I love you too angel, with every piece of who I am".

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