Embry Call | NSFW Alphabet

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By : ineedmorefanfics | Tumblr

⚠️Warnings⚠️: SMUT, NSFW, 🔞+


A= Aftercare (What they're like after sex)

Embry is a soft boy and will make sure that you're comfortable and satisfied before he holds you to his chest and falls asleep.

B= Favorite Body Part (Their favorite body part of their's and their partner's)

He's an ass man, loving the way he can knead your soft flesh between his calloused hands. He also likes spreading those cheeks apart, but that's a story for another time ;). His favorite body part of his own is his hands. He loves how he can make you do anything he wants just by using his hands, whether it's pinching or slapping parts of your body or holding you down on his face, he's game.

C= Cum (Anything to do with cum)

Embry likes to cum on your face or inside of you. When he's feeling more intimate it's usually inside, but if he's feeling playful and rough he's going to want to cum on your face and let you cum on his.

D= Dirty Secret (A dirty secret of theirs)

You're both saving up for a house, and he REALLY wants a pool, not only to see you in a bathing suit, but to also fuck your soaking wet cunt on the side of the pool. Though that's the closest to exhibitionism he'll ever come too.

E= Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they're doing?)

Embry had no experience before he met you. He tries his hardest to please you and will get embarrassed if he thinks he's doing something wrong, so please assure him that it's okay🥺

F= Favorite Position (Might include visual)

Either 69 or missionary. 69 is reserved for those down and dirty nights but missionary is for when he wants to see your face and just tell you how much he loves you.

G= Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they more humorous, etc.)

He's more serious during the moment, making sure you're not only 100% okay with what he's doing but that you're getting pleasure as well. When he's focused he makes this cute little face that makes your stomach do backflips.

H= Hair (How well groomed are they?)

He prefers to be shaved, because when you're in 69 position he likes to feel your breathing on his bare skin.

I= Intimacy (How are they during the moment? Romantic aspect...)

Embry tries to be a lover not a fighter, so I'd say he's definitely more romantic in the moment. He always makes sure you know how important you are to him.

J= Jerk Off (How often? What are they thinking about?)

Embry doesn't really think about jerking off, but once in a while when he's home alone, he'll snap you a picture and get off to your response.

K= Kink (One or more of their kinks)

Light bondage and spanking are his go to's. Seeing marks on your ass does things to him, and if you have your hands tied, begging to touch him, then he's going to stuff you until you explode.

L= Location (Favorite places to do the do)

He likes to fuck in the bedroom, it's gives him a sense of safety and privacy so he probably wouldn't deviate.

M= Motivation (What turns them on, what gets them going, etc.)

As I've said before, he's an ass man, so if you bend over to pick something up, or sit on his lap, it's game over.

N= NO (Something they wouldn't do, turn offs)

Mommy Kinks. He's really close to his mother, even if they've grown somewhat apart since his transformation, and it grosses him out to bring the word he calls his only parent into the bedroom. This goes without saying but threesomes also make him uncomfortable.

O= Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)

Embry eats pussy like a starving man and don't you forget it. He'll make you cum three times on his face alone, and when he's done his meal, he makes sure to lick the plate clean if you know what I mean. He loves receiving head and as stated earlier, 69 is one of his favorite positions for a reason.

P= Pace (Are the fast and rough? Slow and sensual? Etc.)

He's more slow and sensual, he likes to savor the moments he gets with you since, because of his busy schedule, there aren't a lot.

Q= Quickie (Their opinion on quickies, how often, etc.)

He's not really into quickies because he likes to take his time with you.

R= Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)

He'll try new things as long as they're in his comfort range.

S= Stamina (How long do they last?)

He can last for 1-2 rounds, give or take.

T= Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On partner or themselves?)

He's not into toys, not seeing much use in them. He's usually busy so you're probably the one with the toys, making sure to send him pictures to tease.

U= Unfair (How much of a tease are they?)

He likes to edge you on, making you so close to release before he pulls away with a stupid smirk on his face, mouth covered in your juices.

V= Volume (How loud are they? What sounds do they make?)

He growls, and when I tell you it's sexy I mean it's sexy. It's deep and rumbles through his chest as he reaches his peak.

W= Wildcard (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice?)

Embry likes to leave handprints on your ass. Usually when he's eating you out, he'll bring his hand down full force before rubbing away the pain. Seeing the marks on your ass when he's all done with you makes him feral.

X= X-Ray (How big are they?)

Embry is average girth, height is probably 9 to 9.5 inches.

Y= Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)

He doesn't really get a lot of time to think about sex, but whenever he's with you he's down to fuck. I'd say it's about average, maybe even a little above average.

Z= Zzz (How fast do they fall asleep after?)

He makes sure you're settled in and comfortable before he passes the fuck out. He's always doing something so he definitely needs sleep, and he can usually only get it when he's with you.

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