Edward Cullen | Fearless

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By : imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl | Tumblr

Requested by : Hiii! Can I request an Edwsrd Cullen x reader where they get paired together for a project and they slowly develop feelings for each other but then he shuts her down and she tries to stay close, but he pushes her away but then one day she gets (or almost) injured and he panicks and rushes to her side and fluff stuff??

Pairing: Edward X Reader

Word count: 1.232

You would skip school today, but sadly your parents didn't allow you to stay home. When you arrive at your math class, you instantly start to consider suicide a good option. The math teacher, who everyone calls 'Husband of Death Itself', it's handing out a pile of papers to half the students.

"What's happening?" You ask Clary, one of your best friends.

"I don't know but I feel like our weekend is ruined."

You sit beside her, observing how the teacher doesn't give your side of the classroom those papers.

"Well, dear students, I have a homework for you." The sarcasm in his voice is tangible. "Since most of you cheated on my last exam, I'll make this..." He picks up the papers, showing them to the class. "one hundred questions half of our next exam."

Everybody curses at him, but the man just keeps quiet. When the yells finally stop, he takes the names list.

"I'll pair you with someone. Before anyone complains, no, I won't let you change your pair."

The next five minutes are filled with angry groans while the Husband of Death picked the worse pairs. When your name come up, you cross your fingers, hoping to be paired with anyone who isn't hateful.

"(Y/N). You go with Edward."

Shit. You look at him and he looks at you. He doesn't seem to be happy. Well, you don't care. You don't have to become his friend, you just have to do these questions.

"Very well. You have seven days. I want it next Thursday. Have a good weekend."

"I don't believe it," Clary complains while you walk to her car. "One hundred freaking questions."

"I didn't cheat on that exam. It's not fair to me."

"I agree." A bit scared, you turn around to see that Cullen guy. He offers you a smile but is Clary who melts away beside you.

"Yeah. My place tonight if you're free." You and Edward never exchanged a single word, so it's a bit weird now. That if you ignore how awkward he is like he's not even human.

"Sure. I'll be there by six."

"Okay. Bye." Turning back to Clary's car, you pull her with you. The girl was paralyzed, staring at Edward like an idiot.

Your parents seem to be happy about you paring with Edward Cullen. They like Carlisle a lot, so that means your mother cooked something special for dinner tonight. You're ready when, at six o'clock, someone knocks. It's your father who opens the door and leads Edward to the living room.


"Hey. I'm not good with numbers you should know that." You choose to go straight to the point, already taking your notebook out of your backpack.

"(Y/N), dear, slow down. At least ask him if everything is fine." You hear your mom yelling from the kitchen and you roll your eyes.

"Hello, Edward, how are you?" You finally look at him, with simple jeans and a dark blue jacket, a lot different from how he looks like on school. Now he looks like a normal person. "Ya look good." You spit out before you can notice.

"Thank you." He giggles, sitting down on the couch across from you. "I'm good. How about you?"

"I'm happy that we don't have school tomorrow. I'll go camping in the woods."

"No, you're not!" Your father shouts from upstairs.

"Oh, yeah, sure, dad." You mutter, taking the pile of papers from Edward's hand.

The next two hours are really boring. Edward keeps correcting your wrongs and you keep staring at him while he does so. When it's dinner time, your parents can't stop talking. When he finally has to leave, you take him to the front door.

"You're not that bad, Edward. I mean, in school you seem to be weird but here... You're cool. We can hang out if you want since you don't seem to have many friends but your family." You let your heart out, telling him how you feel. By his reaction, it's like he already knew what you were going to say.

"It's good to know that, but I don't think we can be friends." Edward keeps his face straight like it's not a big deal.

"Why? Don't be an idiot. Give me a reason at least."

He remains silent, and you want to punch him. Edward is a good guy even though he's a weirdo at school. You do want to get to know him better.

"I'll go camping tomorrow. I'd like you to come." You smile at him, tilting your head and waving at him. "Goodbye."

The night is silent and you turn your radio off. Clary, Jeff and Amanda are still trying to find their way. So you wait, almost losing your patience. Stepping out the car, you walk around, looking at the tall trees. It's beautiful, you have to admit, even though the cold.

Someone whispers something on your ear and you quickly turn around. The shiver running down your spine is the scariest thing you've ever felt. When you don't see anyone, you roll your eyes.

"Holy shit." You walk back to your car, cursing in a low voice. "I will kill you, guys, I mean it! Now show up and let's make a campfire!" You open the door, but before you can reach your backpack, someone pulls you back. In your shock, all you do is to push back, already starting to put up a fight.

"Calm down. It's me, Edward." His voice makes you slow down, looking up to meet his golden eyes. "We should go now."

"What? No. Are you mad? My friends are coming."

"No, they aren't. And you should go. Now."

Maybe there's a wild animal somewhere, but by the tone of his voice, whatever it is, it's some serious trouble. But, c'mon, he was an idiot when you asked him to come, and now he shows up telling you to go home? No way.

"Excuse me, Cullen, you didn't want to come and you were very rude. So I'll stay. With or without my friends. Thank you very much." Then you give him a fake smile before walking back to your car, but suddenly everything goes black.

You're back home when you open your eyes, and before you can even think about what happened, you see him. Edward Cullen right beside your wardrobe, staring at you.

"How dare you invade my bedroom?"

"Just making sure you're not in danger."

"Danger? When I went to my uncle's house last summer I decided to jump off a cliff straight into the sea. I almost died. That was me being in danger." You speak fast, considering to throw something really heavy on his pretty face. "Since you said we can't be friends, please, go out."

"You should be smart and choose to stay away from me. Or jumping off a cliff won't be so scary."

"I never said it was scary. And I am smart, but also pretty fearless."

Edward smiles at you, making you want to know what's in his head. "See you tomorrow then."

"It's Saturday. We don't have school."

"Who said anything about school?" Waving at you, he jumps off the window. Edward Cullen isn't human, you know that for sure now. But you honestly don't give a shit about it, all that matters now is that you'll see him again tomorrow.

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