Jasper Hale | Cheat (II)

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By : twilightt-fantasy | Tumblr

Description: Could you maybe write a really, really angsty jasper hale x reader? like maybe one where the reader catches him cheating and then leaves him and gets in a car crash and he had to turn her to save her and she gets mad? Part Two

Requested by: anon

Warnings: language


It had been two months since you had been turned into a vampire. It had been two months since you found out Jasper cheated on you. In that time, you had come to terms with your newfound immortality. At first, you weren't happy about it, mainly because Jasper had been the one to change you.

Jasper had been on your mind recently. You wondered if he and Alice were together now that you were out of the picture. Your heart stung every time you thought of the two together.

While you sort of forgave him, you couldn't forget what he had done. With that being said, you missed him. That's why you found yourself outside of the Cullen residence now.

You felt so pathetic showing up here. You told him you were done with him, but now you were crawling back to him? It screamed desperate.

The door opened right when your fist hit the wood and you came face to face with Alice. Her face fell when she saw you, probably shocked that you were standing before her with red eyes. A surge of rage filled your stomach. She was the reason you and Jasper weren't together.

"Do you need something?" She asked, leaning against the door frame.

"Is Jasper here?"

"Why do you care?" Her voice was quiet, but you didn't miss her hidden threat.

"Is Jasper here?" You asked again, lingering on every word to get your point across. You weren't going to back down from her.

Another figure appeared next to the door and this time you nearly faltered. He stood before you now, blocking Alice from your view with his arms folded across his chest. His amber eyes peered into your scarlet eyes, a layer of shock hidden beneath them. "Y/N?"

You almost didn't speak, not sure what to say to the man. You took a deep breath. "Are you two together?"

Maybe that shouldn't have been the first thing you asked, but you needed to know. Jasper shook his head. "No."

Your breath caught in your throat at his answer, and you swallowed. "Why?"

"Because it was a mistake." He uncrossed his arms and walked closer to you, grazing his fingers along your arms. "I shouldn't have done it, and I'm so sorry."

You wanted to believe him, but it was hard to when Alice was glaring daggers at the both of you. You grabbed his hands with your own. "How do I know you're telling the truth Jas?"

He sighed, looking back towards Alice and then you. He sighed deeply. "We can go somewhere. Just me and you, and we won't have to worry about it anymore."

You frowned then, realizing what he was saying. He'd leave the Cullen family, his family, in order to make it up to you. You began to disagree but he stopped you. "I'm serious. I want to prove to you how sorry I am. Let me do this."

"Jas." You whispered. "Are you sure you want to do that?"

He leaned down to peck your lips, sighing in relief when he pulled away. "I'm positive."

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