Embry Call | Better With You

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By : twilightt-fantasy | Tumblr

Description: Hey! Can i request an imagine of Embry Call ? In which he almost died protecting reader and ever since then reader doesn't want anything to do w him to protect him somehow but isn't aware he imprinted on reader until the pack contacts reader bc embry is worse everyday ? Tysm!


The pack was growing worried. Embry Call hadn't been himself in weeks now - he barely spoke to other members and distanced himself whenever they had their meetings or little get togethers.

It was starting to scare his friends. Normally the boy was a ray of sunshine, always smiling and cracking jokes with the other boys. But ever since he imprinted on you and saved your life, he had been a shell of his old self.

The boys blamed you.

You knew what the boys were and you knew the Embry had nearly killed himself by protecting you from a wandering vampire. While you didn't know you were his imprint at the time, you cared deeply for Embry and blamed yourself for his near death experience.

Which was why you were avoiding him.

"We have to call her." Quil was the one who suggested it. "Emily told Sam that Y/N has been feeling down too. We need to get them to at least be in the same room together."

"Y/N won't come anywhere near Embry." Sam shook his head. "They wouldn't come even if we asked."

"So don't tell them that he's here." Quil argued. "He goes off on his own after a while anyway."

"Or just tell the truth." Jared said. "Y/N will feel bad that he's acting like this and come to help. They always do."

The other boys shared looks, each thinking over Quil's idea versus Jared's. They wanted their friend to be happy again, but they knew he wouldn't be without his imprint. Sam sighed loudly throughout his nose. "Call them and tell them we're having a bonfire tonight."

"What do we say?" Jared asked. "That he is here or not?"

Sam shrugged as he looked towards Jared. "Tell the truth."


You arrived at Sam and Emily's quickly after the pack had called you. You felt horrible as soon as they told you how Embry had been. If you knew he would react like this, you never would have avoided him.

If you knew you were his freaking imprint, you definitely wouldn't have avoided him.

The pack was sitting around the table when you entered the house, munching on some snacks that Emily had prepared for them. They looked up at you as you appeared, completely focused on you now. You swallowed, linking your fingers together. "Where is he?"

"He's out by the fire." Sam told you, nodding towards the window.

You thanked Sam before heading out the backdoor. Embry's back was turned to you, but you had no doubt he heard you coming. You stepped over the log he was sitting on and sat next to him.

Embry turned his head to see who had joined him, and you caught a flash of shock pass over his features before he covered it. You smiled at him softly, feeling how tense the air had become.

"Why didn't you tell me?" You asked as you stared at the orange flames in front of you. The sky was just turning dark and the flames burned brightly against it. "That I was your imprint."

Embry sighed, his shoulders sagging heavily. "I didn't want to freak you out. I don't know, it's stupid."

"It's not." You reassured him by gently nudging his shoulder. "I don't mind."

"Then why have you been avoiding me?" He turned towards you now, his brown eyes fulled hurt.

It was your turn to look away from him. He scared you half to death when he attacked the vampire that was after you. It was an ugly fight and you didn't think he was coming out of it alive. You didn't want him to risk his life for yours.

"I was scared." You mumbled. "For you. You nearly died."

"For you." He was frowning, not quite sure what you meant. "I was trying to protect you."

"I know that. I-I don't want you to risk your life for mine." Your voice was quiet now. "It'd kill me if you died protecting me."

"I would." He answered quickly. "Die for you. You're my imprint, Y/N. I'd do anything for you."

You smiled at him again, moving to lay your head on his shoulder. "Just stay alive for me, Em."

His lips were on your head for a brief moment. "As long as you do the same for me."

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