Demetri Volturi | Soft Alphabet

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By : avyannadawn | tumblr

Fandom: Twilight

Pairing: Demetri Volturi x Gender-Neutral Reader

A/n: I feel like Demetri needs more love on this app <3 sorry for the spelling/grammar mistakes

Wc: 2.5k


A - Affection (how do they show affection)

Small gentle touches. Whether his hand is placed on the small of your back as you walk around the castle or during a trial. Or he simply intertwines your hands, eloping your smaller one in his larger one.

He will shower you with kisses. Softly kissing your temple as he walks by or grasping the sides of your face softly before peppering small kisses all over your face before waltzing back down the hall with a smirk plastered on his lips.

B - Balance (how do they balance you, work/school/life?)

Being with Demetri had its perks, especially if you had gifts. Given that you are the mate of his prized tracker, Aro offers you a place on the lower guard as soon as you are changed. But when small glimpses of power start to spurt out of you, Aro is on it like a bloodhound.

If you are gifted you usually work alongside The Twins, Felix and Demetri. And working with your mate? Yes, please.

C - Cuddles (do they enjoy cuddling? what positions?)

Demetri adores his hugs. Always pulling you flush against his chest, embracing you tightly. When you and Demetri often have spare time to yourselves, even if it is only for a short moment, he will wrap you in his arms, peppering your forehead in kisses. Even after dark when the castle starts to quiet down, the two of you will lie amidst his sheets, wrapped gently in an embrace, whether he's lying on you or you're on him.

D - Date (what was your first date?)

Demetri had taken the weekend off to come and visit you. The two of you had been on multiple outings together but neither of you counted them as dates. But you had agreed to go out for the afternoon with him due to the cloudy weather that would have provided cover for Demetri. He knew of all the simple things most humans enjoyed and knew, despite his anxiety that you would enjoy it.

E - Excited (how excited do they get when they see you/are with you?)

Despite the fact he gets to live the rest of eternity by your side, he gets so excited when he gets to leave the trial, immediately searching for you, craving your company. The skin around his eyes crinkles ever so slightly as he smiles brightly towards you when he spots you. This man cherishes every moment with you likes it's his last.

F - Fighting (what happens when you fight)

It's rare that you two fight. When Demetri cares for someone, he's very open with them and unless he's hurt he will immediately seek you out to talk things through. If it was a bad fight, Demetri may stay away for a while to give you both time to think things through before coming together to talk about things. He's a lover, not a fighter deep down so he despises arguments with you and will do everything in his power to avoid them.

G - Gorgeous (pet names. what do they like to call you? what do they like to be called?)

He adores calling you names in other languages, loving how confused you got over them. For all, you knew he could have been calling you a bitch. Mia Cara, my love, darling; these are just some of the names he loved to call you, loving the light blush that creeps up onto your face when he says them. You're his 'little human' or 'little one' even after your transformation.

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