Jasper Hale | Cheat (I)

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By : twilightt-fantasy | Tumblr

Description: could you maybe write a really, really angsty jasper hale x reader? like maybe one where the reader catches him cheating and then leaves him and gets in a car crash and he has to turn her to save her and she gets mad? i really need a good cry. if you don't want to tho, that's ok!

Warnings: Language


"Fuck you, Jasper."

You could hear him following behind you, trying to stop you from leaving. While you had your suspicions about him and Alice, you never in a million years would've thought that Jasper would cheat on you.

But he did.

"Y/N come on." He pleaded behind you, his pale fingers brushing your arm before you ripped it away.

"Fuck off." You hissed, spinning around to face him. "Don't talk to me, I don't want to hear any of it."

"You don't know what you saw."

"I said I don't care!" You turned back to the door, yanking it open, almost sprinting to your care. Jasper was suddenly in front of you before you could open your door, his eyes wide and his face full of sorrow. You glared at him. "Move."

"Let me explain."

"Do I have to spell this out for you?" You rolled your eyes, your voice beginning to betray how upset you were. "Let me go."

He stared at you for a moment longer, seeming as if he was debating to listen to your wishes or not. You narrowed your eyes, starting to push past him once again. He moved for you, watching as you sat in your car and began to drive off.

Once you were out of sight, you let the tears fall freely, clutching your steering wheel with bone-white knuckles. You couldn't believe you had caught him with Alice, especially after the many reassurances he had told you.

You reached the end of the Cullen driveway, and began to turn. Your eyes were blurry with tears, head clouded with all the thoughts of Jasper and Alice.

A loud crash filled your ears and, without another thought, your world turned black.


What had happened? You opened your eyes, looking around the familiar room. Something was... different. As you looked around, you could see every little feature on every object. Your eyesight definitely wasn't that good.

A figure in the corner of the room caught your attention, and all the events previously flashed back to your mind.

Jasper had cheated on you. You left in your car. There was an accident.

All of a sudden, things were making sense. And from the grim look on Jasper's face, you knew your suspicions were correct. Again.

"No way." You whispered as you sat up, looking from him to your now pale skin. "I know you didn't turn me."

"I didn't." He shook his head. "Carlisle found you."

"And now I'm stuck! I was trying to get away from you and now I'm stuck here!" You shouted. You wanted to cry. You could feel the sting of tears in your eyes, but they wouldn't fall.

You pulled at your hair, glaring at Jasper as he began to make his way towards you. "Stop. This doesn't change anything. This makes everything worse. I can't be around you, and I sure as hell won't be around her. You've ruined everything."

"If you would just let me explain-"

"There's nothing to hear! I saw it perfectly clear." You said. "I don't want to hear whatever it is that you have to say. I'm done."

You turned from him again, looking towards the window that ran outside. Without another look at Jasper, you darted towards the window, your heart breaking more with every step.

And you ran.

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