Paul Lahote | Outcasts

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By : ineedmorefanfics2 | Tumblr

Warnings: Swearing, Self-Doubt, Slight Homophobia


Y/N nervously twiddled his thumbs, leg bouncing as he sat at Emily's kitchen table.

He had gone over to Emily's with the intent to surprise his imprinter, Paul. When he'd arrived, Emily informed him that Paul was still on patrol with the rest of the pack, and would eventually be back.

Y/N had cringed as the sentence that had left her mouth. It wasn't that he didn't like the pack, he'd made friends with most of them. It was that some of the pack didn't like him.

He'd tried his best to be likeable, but Quil and Embry just weren't up to it. They'd never really said out loud that they were homophobic, but from past experiences it wasn't hard for Y/N to tell.

They always seemed uncomfortable when him and Paul were together, even if they weren't showing any physical interaction. Quil was more awkward about it, cracking the "Woah, I hope you don't have a crush on me." joke way too often.

Embry was more blunt, saying how gross he thought it was. He'd say it in a joking matter but Y/N knew that it wasn't actually a joke.

Of course Y/N had wanted to tell his boyfriend. Though how could he? Paul had grown up with these boys, not to mention they share a psychic connection.

The thought that Paul would reject him if he mentioned anything about his friends always stopped Y/N from saying something, and it was eating him from the inside out.

"Hungry?" Emily called from the kitchen.

The pit in the bottom of his stomach made his decision for him. "Uh... no, no thank you." He responded.

She sighed, wiping her hands on a dish towel and heading towards him.

She pulled out the chair across from him, taking a seat. "Can you look at me?" She asked.

Y/N sighed, raising his head to come face to face with the woman he'd practically adopted as his mother.

"What's bothering you sweetheart?" She asked, her hand crossing the table to caress his.

"It's stupid, I'm probably just over reacting."

"I don't think it's over reacting, especially when you look like you're going to explode."

"It's just..." he started.

"Mmm?" She encouraged, giving his hand a gentle pat.

"D-do you think the pack even likes me?"

The question had taken her aback. "Of course they do, why? Is someone giving you trouble?"

Mama bear mode activated, Y/N thought to himself, a small smile settling on his face at the thought.

"No... well yes actually. It's just that Quil and Embry are..." He trailed off. What was he supposed to say? Two of the boys you see as kids are almost 100% homophobic? She'd laugh in his face.

"They aren't coming around to the idea of you being a guy, are they?" She inquired.

Now who has the mind link?

"I'm sorry, it's just... they definitely aren't the most welcoming. I'm not going to say they're straight out homophobic, but the way they look at me, and interact with me... it makes me feel like I'm more of a burden in Paul's life, than a miracle." His eyes watered.

This is stupid, stop fucking crying. He scolded himself.

"Why's that?"

"Paul Lahote does not come off as gay. He was probably disgusted to have a male imprint. And I wouldn't be surprised if the pack makes fun of him for it. I'm doing more harm than good in this small family you've created."

A snort coming from Emily caught his attention. Was she... laughing?

"I-I'm sorry that was uncalled for it's just... Paul came out as bisexual around five years ago. Of course I hadn't known him for that long but he'd been friends with the rest of the pack before they knew they were a pack." She took a sip of water. "They'd all been a little apprehensive at first, even Sam. Paul was devastated, and they stopped being friends for quite some time."

"What happened next?" Y/N asked, interest peaked.

"Well when Leah and Sam were together, she had found out about the interaction and she was pissed. She'd told Sam he was stupid and so were his friends. How they could drop someone over something they couldn't control, like sexuality, was disgusting. She had almost dumped him right then and there." She nodded. "It hit close to home for Leah because Seth had come out as gay a couple of years earlier, and he'd gotten beat up at school. She definitely wasn't happy and had continuously helped Seth when he become clinically depressed."

"Woah... I didn't even know that." Y/N mumbled.

"Eventually the pack apologized, even going with Paul to pride parades."

Y/N hummed.

"Embry and Quil are more confused than anything. They haven't been surrounded by many LGBTQ+ people and don't really know how to interact. They'll get used to it, it'll just take some time."

"And if they don't, I'll slap them upside the head." Paul's voice rang throughout the living room, causing his imprint to jump.

Paul walked over to Y/N, giving him a loving kiss before he pulled up a chair next to him.

"How much of that did you hear?" Y/N asked, rubbing the back of his head.

"Enough to know how you're feeling. You could've told me you know." Paul frowned, his thumb caressing the other male's cheek.

"I don't know, I was just scared. I mean they're your family, your best friends. I didn't want to impose."

Paul scoffed, though not in a condescending way. "You could never impose Y/N. I love you, and if two assholes I called friends were giving you a hard time, I'd drop them like flies. It's not right of them to do that." He rested his forehead on Y/N's. "Please don't forget that."

"I couldn't even if I wanted to." Y/N chuckled, giving Paul another kiss on the lips. "Speaking of your friends, where's the rest of the pack?"

"Went to go grocery shopping. It was supposed to be a team experience or something but a little birdie named Emily let me know that something more important was waiting for me at the house."

Y/N's eyes drifted to Emily, who pretended she wasn't eavesdropping by quickly looking away. He laughed. "Thanks Em."

"Anything for you." She responded.

"Wanna get out of here? Go get something eat?" Paul asked.

"Sounds like fun. See you later Em." The two men got up, Emily waving goodbye as they headed outside to Paul's beat up Ford.

Getting in the car, Paul started the ignition. He grabbed a hold of Y/N's hand as he began driving, occasionally placing a kiss on it.

No matter the obstacles in their way Y/N knew he was loved by Paul, and that's all that mattered.

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