Alec Volturi | Falling

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By : like-rain-or-confetti | Tumblr

WARNING: Gore! Death!


The day had started off so well, peaceful.
More peaceful than it had been the past couple of days prior. Yet things went down hill as night fell and seemed to only get worse.
Eventually you were told what was happening. The Volturi was under attack.

Aro didn't have to touch Alec to know his thoughts as his gaze fixated on you. He couldn't leave you unprotected but couldn't neglect the leaders.
Ultimately, you were sent to be with the wives who were at the very top of the tower, guards standing guard at the entrance.

"Everything will be fine." Athenodora told you as she gripped your arms tightly. "Our husbands will be with us soon. You don't need to fear." Sulpicia added.
You nodded but were unable to hold back tears.
Athenodora pulled you into her arms, holding you close. Her motherly instinct coming through in your moment of need.

Truth be told, the Volturi were ever so slightly more attached to you than regular humans. Not just because you were Alec's mate but also because you were very unlike them.
You were completely innocent and it often made vampires wonder just what Alec saw in you considering the two of you were so different.
Now if anyone were to question it, Alec would lose his temper considering it an attack on you.
It also meant you were very sheltered by the Volturi. You didn't know the details of Alec's past. Only the necessary parts and you knew next to nothing of what he had done over the centuries. Alec wanted it that way, considering it to hurt you more than anything. It wouldn't have been to your benefit.

Before you could be reassured any further, there was loud thuds, one after the other. Athenodora gestured for you to go to the other side of the room.
Whatever caught their eye made both Sulpicia and Athenodora hiss and growl. As they moved to maintain their distance, a man, also a vampire, made his way into the room. He had platinum blonde hair and striking red eyes.
"Good evening ladies." He smirked, his accent very prominent.
He cast a glance to you. "Good evening to you too, little human."
You stayed quiet, nervous and something about the man told you that you had every reason to be-even if you don't know those reasons. "I assume you may not know me. I doubt they'd tell you and judging by your face I would be correct." He grinned at you, the grin sinister. "My name is Vladimir and I have some business to attend to with this coven."

You trembled in fear as you looked between who you now knew to be Vladimir, Athenodora and Sulpicia.
"Shaking like a leaf." Vladimir said to himself, his eyes running up and down your figure. "I wonder if you'd do the same if you knew what those witch twins have done in their wretched existence."
"It's alright, sweetheart." Athenodora called out from behind him. "You'll be alright."
"Don't say that." Vladimir said softly, over his shoulder. "It's a lie."
"They aren't involved in this. Don't hurt them when they are innocent." Sulpicia responded.
Vladimir scoffed. "Since when did the Volturi ever care for innocents?" Vladimir said coldly before turning his attention to you once more. "They're involved now. Alec is the one infatuated with you, isn't it? Or was it Jane? I'm quite certain it was Alec."
Vladimir was in front of you in moments. You stifled a scream, biting your lips and breathing quickly. Vladimir tilted his head with sympathy, whether it was real sympathy or not, you couldn't be sure.
"Poor thing, you'll have a heart attack if you don't calm yourself little one." Vladimir took your face in his hands and you froze. "Come now, deep breaths. I want you aware for what comes next."
You did as he asked, simply out of fear of what would happen if you did not. "That's it." He said with a malicious smile. "I must inform you that Alec isn't coming for you. You see, the higher ranked guards have their leaders as priority and their leaders...are only really concerned for their remaining mates. They're going to discover that I've incapacitated their guards protecting their wives."
You immediately thought to Afton, Chelsea, Corin and then Renata. Although she must have been with Aro.
Vladimir continued. "I have no doubt they'll come in time for them. I can't say the same for you, little one."

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