Edward Cullen | Jealousy

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By : darling-i-read-it | Tumblr

Edward Cullen x reader

Word Count: 900

Warnings: jessica stanley


 Edward was tired. He couldn't sleep and still, he was tired. High school existed merely as an annoyance to him. The simple fact that he could be doing anything but he had to die at age 17, just shy of him being able to get out of the hell hole.

And yet, here he was.

Edward liked Forks. He thought the trees were nice and the fact that he was equally away from the mountain ranges and the ocean was pleasing. He couldn't of course, go to La Push but he did enjoy going to other beaches that were a bit further away.

The window outside his English class loomed of the rain that was coming ahead. That was good. He'd rather it be raining than sunny so he could mingle amongst his peers if he so chose.

You sat beside him, antsy. Your pencil eraser bounced up and down on the pad of paper below it. Edward glanced at you. He could hear the voice in your head speaking quietly, singing some song you had heard on the radio. You were so bored there weren't even any thoughts radiating loudly.

You just existed.

He thought that was kind of funny. The way you could just turn things off the way that you did sometimes when you were done listening. Edward had turned you in the 80's when you were 18 so technically you were a year older than him which you used to your advantage.

The teacher called his name and he looked up cluelessly. He had no idea what the conversation was about at this point. He had zooned out ages ago. You and the rest of the class looked over at him.

"Yes sir?"

"How do you think the effect of Mercutio's death created a sense of unease between the families?" your teacher asked. Edward pulled himself together just long enough to answer the question but you were already checked out.

After school that day, you and Edward were supposed to go home together. You had to study some for a test you both knew you would pass if you cheated hard enough. The two of you stood in the parking lot, swapping books you had grabbed while you waited for Alice to come so you could all go home together.

After a moment of waiting, Jessica approached you instead of Alice. You raised an eyebrow. She usually didn't get the guts to actually walk near either of you. Especially because her very adamant crush on Edward put a knife in the relationship she never had with you.

"Hey!" Edward leaned against the car and shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Hello Jessica," he said amusingly. She held her book in her hands tightly, almost as though she needed it to survive.

"Can we help you?" you quipped. Despite the tone of your voice she did not waver.

"I was just thinking, after all I've never seen you attend a dance at this school, that you two might want to have someone to go with?" she inquired. You nodded slowly, taking in that information with a grain of salt.

"The three of us and you Jessica?" She shook her head, doing that loud laugh she did way to often.

"I figured I could go with Edward and then you could go with Mike," she suggested. Edward held in a snort but you had no remorse in letting one out.

"What do you think Edward?" you questioned.

"I figured we would go to the dance together. That is if we are still dating," Edward asked. You and Edward had gotten married unofficially about three different times now. At this point there was no use asking each other to dances despite the fact Emmet went all out for Rosalie every year without fail.

"Last I checked we were," you said. "Sorry Jess."

She gave you a sour look.

"Well maybe next dance," she said bitterly. You nodded.

"Maybe," you promised, a straight look on your face. Jessica turned and walked away not long after that. You watched her go with a grimance. Edward laughed. He glanced over at you before grabbing your waist, bringing you closer to him.

"Don't be jealous," he commented.

"Me? Jealous of Jessica Stanley? Please Edward." He kissed your forehead gingerly. Making sure that his lips strayed on your skin he spoke.

"I can read your mind." You scoffed and shoved him away, laughing.

"Will you two quit being so cute? It's sickening," Alice said as she approached. You rolled your eyes.

"Only if you and Jasper shut your thoughts up," Edward countered. Alice scoffed.
"I can't stop thinking," she argued.

"You can sure try," you said. You all piled into the car and continued to bicker until you returned home.

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