Aro Volturi | Alice and the Cheshire Cat

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By : igotathingforvampires | Tumblr



This was a bad idea.

Such a bad idea, why in the hell did you let your idiot friends make you follow that damn tourist trap– emphasis on trap!

Grinding your teeth you glared about the halls of the spectacularly built Italian architecture as the woman who was named Heidi guided the flock of people further– deeper into the depths.

Your stomach churned.

Something wasn't right.

You glance at your moronic friends– they aren't even really friends, they're people your mother has sent you with so she can get her fill on whatever hunk she sunk her claws into. They babble on and on senselessly and make you want to clap your hands over your ears. You're not going to die like this.

Fuck that shit.

"Y/N! Look! Omgosh it's so ROMANTIC." Tiffany gushes and giggles with her cronies and gives you a side eye. You're the odd one out– always has been as she loops her arm through her boy-toy's and saunters further in. But you hang back. Allow yourself to view the entire room and sense the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.

Suddenly you're shoving your way forward to the girl named Heidi. And stay at the front of the pack. She eyes you curiously. Her head tilting but that smile on her face doesn't wane. I know what you're doing. You think with a glare in your thoughts and shove them into the person in front of you.

She pauses stunned.

You always were one for surprises.

I won't go down easily. I haven't survived what I have to be taken down by you.

The woman's eyes sharpen considerably as the group is led, with you leading head held high to meet your potential executioner. Your sandals click on the floor, you rather thought your outfit of choice was fitting today, a sundress, white and yellow with flowing skirts and long billowing sleeves.

How utterly Gothic Horror.

You didn't know what was going to happen. Didn't know who you were facing, but just knew this would be your last moments in this world.

If only your mother was here to share it.

Your eyes sting at that, the pain from your past coming forward as you shakily take a breath to still your heart beat as best you can. People are moving around the giant domed circle of a room. Vaulted ceilings so beautiful one might weep.

"Ah, our guests are here." A voice calls sounding gleefully mad. Your eyes snap up to the dais, you are just below the first step and your eyebrows draw down sharp and you glare, the three men before you are quite beautiful.

No scratch that.

They ARE and they are terrifying to behold. The one to the left of the center throne eyes you suddenly shifting from whatever stupor he was in, eyes half hooded and radiating pain and sorrow, you almost felt sorry for him aside from the blood red eyes. Dark brown hair cascading to his shoulders, a long face and deep set eyes with high cheekbones.

The one to the right looked gleeful, blond hair, a sinister smile, and a sneer all in one. Avoid at all costs your mind tells you.

And the one in the center– staring right at you as you peruse your surroundings. He has a frown, ever so slight, his brow furrowed. And then a gleeful smile crosses his face, gaze glittering like rubies.

God fucking damn it you were in a vampire den.

You knew such things existed but kept your mouth shut and your head down.

Well. Might as well get a jab in before they eat you. You meet the man's stare and glare at him, setting your face to one of complete indifference causing him to tilt his head and smirk.

Your Heidi led me down the rabbit hole. And I see you're the Mad Hatter. You send his way across a whisper of thought. Am I to be your Alice or is this where you are given a choice to drink me?

The man's eyes widen only just a moment, you see a shift to your left, a curious expression coming from the taller and sorrowful looking individual.

The one before you clasps his hands together and tries to puzzle you out.

It feels like forever.

Are you going to drain me now or do I get a fighting chance? You feel the pull, the anger within you, that snapping of an elastic band holding all your sorrow and rage and you focus, jerking the vampire in front of you by the lapels of his suit a couple inches.

The raven haired man blinks, and a maniacal grin appears "Magnifico......" he steps down the stairs one at a time, as chaos erupts around you, blood splattering, throats tearing, screams of your friends behind you.

He reaches, offering his hand, and stupidly you take it.

Or is it stupid. You're drawn in despite the calamity around you to those ruby eyes and soft curious look on his face, almost child like wonder as he whisks through your memories at lightning speed. He frowns, at the memories of being alone, the abuse, the torment, learning of your gifts and being tortured for them.

You were the Devils child. Evil incarnate and had to repent for your sins. In fact your mother was sending you to a convent in Italy.

The man's smile grew wide, and you realized this was no Mad Hatter but the Cheshire Cat. Is this where you tell me which road I take?

His whisper through your connection in your mind echos through the never ending rage you carry. "You may call me Aro."

"And is this where you devour me?" Your voice despite yourself shakes.

A smoldering look engulfs you with those red eyes as he leans down to the shell of your ear. "in more than one way Cara Mia."

You had seen enough of Morticia Adams and Gomez to know what that meant.

This thought as he kisses the back of your knuckles makes him giggle a bit like a maniac. "I've waited a long time for you. Tell me. How would you like me to extract justice for you?"

You exhale deeply as he engulfs you in an embrace, "oh please....I think I would like that very much."

"Bene." The word is like the gavel of a judge.

And suddenly, all seems right with the world as you feel a bite and burning sear your entire being.

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