Alec Volturi | Years

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By : twilightt-fantasy | Tumblr

Description: Can you do an imagine where the reader is a young child that is being raised by the Cullens and she meets Alec and develops a crush on him and then after years of being apart they see each other again but this time she is older and Alec confesses his love for her.


Your heart was pounding in your chest as you stood beside your family. The Volturi were coming - well the Guard anyway. Which meant one thing was certain.

You would see Alec again.

When you were a child, you had been required to meet with the Volturi to assure them that the Cullens would eventually turn you... and of course verify that you were a human child and not immortal.

You had been attached to Alec's hip from the moment you arrived in Italy and he didn't mind. You happened to be his mate after all. Unfortunately though, you were only a child and Volterra wasn't safe for you at the time.

Now though, you were eighteen and able to move with your mate.

From the tree line, you could see the four figures walk into the clearing. Rose gripped your hand tightly and shot you a tight smile, to which you returned. Your eyes locked on Alec, who looked directly at you once he removed his hood.

The two of you kept your eyes on each other throughout all of the formalities and once everything was done, Alec broke away from his coven and walked towards you.

You let go of Rose as Alec gripped your shoulders, staring at you intensely as he took in your appearance. A ghost of a smile laid on his face. "You're beautiful."

Your cheeks warmed at his compliment and you pulled him into you for a hug. He gripped you tightly, not planning on letting go anytime soon.

You smiled into his chest. "Finally."

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