Embry Call | I'm Sorry

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By : ineedmorefanfics2 | Tumblr

Summary: Embry imprints on Y/N but doesn't get the reaction he was hoping for.

Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Sadness, Swearing, NSFW Themes


"Come on Y/N, it'll be so much fun!" Jared whined. "Mom said I can't go if I don't bring you and I want to go!"

"Alright you big baby! I'll go to the bonfire. Lord knows we've heard the stories a thousand times!" Y/N groaned.

"I know but Emily's bringing food! I can just imagine what it'll be like already." Jared fell back onto the couch, drooling over the sight of potato salad and cheeseburgers.

Quit making me hungry you idiot!

You're hot sister's coming? Score!

Watch it Paul!

You guys are so stupid.

I'm trying to do homework so shut it!

Jared let out a snort.

"What are you laughing at?" Y/N questioned looking up from her phone.

"Wolf stuff. You wouldn't get it." He teased, nudging her shoulder.

She rolled her eyes. "Last time I checked I won the race across La Push and I'm not even a wolf. If I remember correctly, Paul said that I could definitely take your place in the pack." She bragged.

"Don't remind me! The guys teased me for weeks." He grimaced.

She let out a laugh before pushing him off the couch. "Alright come on. We'll take my car."


Laughter and howls could be heard from the beach as Y/N parked her car. Jared all but ran to the bonfire as his sister followed close behind.

"What's up guys!" She greeted, taking a seat next to Leah and Seth.

"Nothing much Y/N/N. Still beating on your brother?" Emily joked as Jared groaned.

"It was one time guys!"

Y/N looked around, a smile gracing her face before she locked eyes with a certain Embry Call. Everyone around them went deathly silent as she got lost in his chocolate brown eyes.

"Embry imprinted on Jared's hot sister!"

"Holy shit dude!"

"You owe me twenty bucks!"

"Grow up!"

Y/N broke eye contact first, her hands shaking. "I've got to go." She squeaked out as she grabbed her stuff.

"Dude you can't just leave after something like that." Jared protested as he grabbed her arm.

Sam put his hand on Jared's shoulder as he shook his head.

"I'll ask mom to pick you up later."

"Don't worry about it, he can stay the night." Emily smiled sadly, connecting with the imprintee.

"Thanks." Y/N muttered before rushing to her car.

Embry broke out of his trance as he ran after her.

"Hey wait!" He yelled as she started her car. "Where are you going? D-don't you want to talk about this?"

"What's there to talk about?" She snapped.

"What do y-" He grabbed her car door, preventing her from shutting it. "There's so much to talk about! Why are you running away?"

"I don't want to be an imprint! Especially not an imprint to my little brothers dumb friend!" Her heart clenched at the harsh words she used.

Embry let out a growl. "Fine! Fuck you!" He snapped as he let go of the door. He ran off into the woods as she backed out of the parking lot, not noticing the sad look on her face.


"Mom's gonna kill me." Jared mumbled.


It had been three days since the bonfire fiasco. Sam didn't say anything when Embry would show up late for shifts or wouldn't come all together. His schedule contisted of moping around and watching Y/N's bedroom from the tree line of the forest.

Y/N wasn't any better. As much as she wanted to ignore her feelings, the pull was stronger than she expected. Sometimes it would go away, but only for a second before the feeling of black and inky emptiness returned.

Jared was sick of seeing his sister and best friend so upset. The moping and the crying was to much. He needed to put a stop to it, and fast.

"Hey Embry!" Jared called, running up to said boy. "Wanna come over to my house? Y/N won't be there for a bit and my mom made brownies the other night." He proposed, nudging his friends side. "It'll cheer you up!"

"I guess." Embry mumbled.

"Cool! See you in an hour?"



An hour later Embry was knocking on the door of the Cameron's house, the smell of Y/N instantly lifting his mood.

Speaking of the devil... "Embry? What are you doing here?" Y/N asked as she opened the door completely.

"Jared wanted me to come over." He muttered, an awkward tension filling the air.

"He left about 20 minutes ago. He's on a date with Kim."

"Oh. I guess I'll get going then." He turned to leave before Y/N grabbed his arm.

"Do you want to come inside and talk?" She asked, averting his gaze.


She led him up to her room as they sat on her bed.

"So I..." Embry started.

"No I-," Y/N let out a sigh. "I'm sorry for being a bitch. It wasn't fair of me."

"I-it's okay. You were scared."

"Yeah, I was scared. I had to let you down somehow. I don't want to be an imprint because I don't want you getting hurt because of me."

Embry grabbed her hand. "It's my job. Sure, I'll get protective, but I'll be careful for you. Hell, the whole pack will be there for you." He laughed.

"And if you get hurt? I'd never be able to live with myself."

"Then I got hurt protecting an amazing girl."

She let out a smile. "A-are we good?" She asked.

"Yeah." Embry's hands travelled to her cheek as he rested his forehead on hers. "C-can I kiss you?" He asked.

Y/N closed the gap between them, her hands traveling up to play with the hair on the nape of his neck. Embry softly pushed her onto the bed, one of his hands resting on her hip as the other pushed some hair behind her ear.

"Y/N Cameron I think I'm in love with you." He smiled brightly.

"I think I'm in love with you too, Embry Call." A giggle escaped her lips as he peppered kisses all over her face. The hand that was resting on her hip came to glide up and down her thigh.

She gripped the bottom of his shirt, pulling it off his head. Her hands roamed up and down his biceps.

"Can you keep up wolf boy?"

"Let's see imprint." He replied cheekily.


"Hey Y/N, do you know where m- HOLY SHIT!" Jared slammed the door closed. "I NEED BLEACH! I NEED BLEACH!"

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