Paul Lahote | Baby Fever

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By : ineedmorefanfics2 | Tumblr

Summary: Y/N, a human with powers, argues with her boyfriend Paul after he sides with Sam about killing Renesmee.
Warnings: Swearing, Arguing, Angry Paul, Angst


Y/N sat in the middle of the living room, her legs crossed and eyes closed. Meditating always helped her relax and earn better control of her powers. She was born with Telekinesis, a power that gave her the ability to move objects with her mind. When she was six years old she had gotten angry at her mother for refusing to let her eat a cookie before dinner was ready. Y/N threw a fit, the kitchen utensils, pots, pans, even the dog began flying around the room. That was when her family discovered her powers.

She was twelve years old when she met the Volturi. Word of the powers she possessed got loose in the vampire world. The kings paid her a visit, insisting she joined them. An argument broke out between them and her parents before they all came to an agreement. She would have to visit the Volturi once a year and if she used her powers on other vampires she would be slaughtered. Aro had originally wanted to turn her but the fear of her losing her powers during her turning made him change his mind.

Her and Paul had met while she was swimming at La Push Beach. She travelled constantly and decided that Washington was a great place to stay for a few nights. Finding her soulmate isn't what she had planned but the pieces fit together.

Arguing caught her attention as half of the pack came inside the house.

"What's wrong?" Emily asked the boys.

"That leech lover is pregnant! With a monster!"

Y/N gasped.

Was that even possible?

Paul growled. "Jacob, Leah and Seth are at the Cullen house protecting the creature."

"We need to kill it." Embry sneered.

"What!? No!" Y/N stood up, the wolves turning to her.

"It's an abomination!" Jared yelled.

"It's a baby!" She argued back.

"You don't know what you're talking about Y/N. Go sit down." Paul sneered at her. "'S none of your business."

Y/N scoffed. "You're planning on killing a baby. It is my business."

"It's dangerous and will murder everyone in cold blood." Sam reasoned.

"You don't know that! The last time I checked Bella is human. That baby could be human."

"Stay out of this Y/N. You're not apart of it." Paul walked towards her grabbing her arm and dragging her towards the door.

She yanked her arm back. "You can't tell me what to do Paul. You're going to kill an innocent child. Are you even listening to yourself?"

Paul clenched his fist. "Go home Y/N! You don't know what's going on!"

Sam put his hand on Paul's shoulder, trying to calm him.

"No!" She snapped. "Emily please tell me you don't agree with this!" Said woman looked down.

"Even Emily is smart enough to realize what type of danger we're in if we let this thing live." Paul huffed.

"I'm not going to sit by and watch you kill a baby. You disgust me. All of you." Y/N stomped out of the house, Paul hot on her heels.

"Where are you going!?"

"I'm protecting this baby!"

Paul growled. "Y/N I won't allow it."

"The last time I checked you don't own me Paul."

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