Volturi Kings | The Lovely Collector

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By : darkestdesired | Tumblr

Request: "She could be in her 20s and be mated to all three kings?Maybe she could have the gift where when she comes across someone else with a gift she mimics it and then she has it permanently. She just keeps adding to her collection of gifts"

Warning: Gore,Poly relationship,adult themes.


Walking down the dark streets of volterra,i tried my best to keep quiet as i stalked my next meal.A man that had left a late night party stumbled his way down the streets,he stunk of alcohal and was mumbling a drinking tune.I ran up and pulled him into the nearest alley,i covered his mouth as he struggled."Shhhh,you'll make this so much harder if you struggle,just relax...." I spoke softly.He began to still as he stared into my deep red eyes,He was completely under my hypnotic control."Good boy,now show me your neck." I commanded in a low whisper.He did as i said and bared his neck to me,I licked my lips and feasted on him,While he was under my power he would feel no pain.After i finished i laid his limp body gently onto the ground,i took out a handkerchief and wiped the blood off my mouth,My black hood hid any traces of blood on my (S/c) Skin.I heard footsteps by the entrance of the alley,I looked over and my eyes widened when i saw 4 people standing in front of me."I believe you know who we are?" Jane asked.I stayed quiet and nodded my head,"Our masters would be very pleased to meet you." I glanced at the three men standing with her,they were radiating power that i was slowly absorbing,it never hurt them but it would always make me dizzy when gaining a new ability."After you then." Jane and Alec turned and began leading the way,Felix and Demetri watched me closely in case i made a run for it,which i was tempted to do.We used the darkness to our advantage and slipped through the night into the castle.We all pulled down our hoods and entered an elevator,This closeness allowed me to continue to soak in their Abilities until my body could perfectly mimic them.We reached the throne room shortly after getting off the elevator,Demetri and felix pushed open the doors and we walked inside.The kings turned our direction,i kept my head down as jane gave aro her hand."I see." He ran infront of me,His power was very strong,It took a second for the dizziness to become bearable."May i?" I kept me head down as he held out his hand.I hesitated for a moment before i gently placed mine on top,I watched his life while he watched mine.He pulled his hand away and stared at me wide eyed,"How did you..?I've never met someone with the same gift.." I fidgeted."I have more than one,My main ability is to absorb powers and add them to my own.My creater called me a Collector." Caius stood up."How is that possible?" I flinched from his sudden outburst. Markus narrowed his eyes slightly at me when i glanced at him,He had to admit he felt a growing urge to be near me.His eyes widened when he saw the bonds slowly form from him and his fellow to me.He figured i must have absorbed his power because i stared at him wideyed.Aro and Caius looked between us with confusion,"What is it,Speak up?" Caius demanded.Aro took my hand in his before i could pull away,His eyes widened before a grin formed on his face."My dear you are full of surprises." He turned to Caius."It would seem we shall be sharing a mate brothers." Caius looked shocked while markus had a faint smile on his face.Aro turned towards his guards,"Please show Miss-" he remembered he never asked my name."(Y/n) (L/n)." I offered.Aro grinned."Please show Miss (Y/n) to her room to get ready." Demetri and felix nodded and headed towards the doors. "We shall see you at dinner Mia Cara." I shyly bowed and ran after the two guards.Demetri smirked,"Great first impression." I looked away,vampires couldn't blush but I'm sure if i was still human I'd be as red as a tomato. I rolled my eyes and walked into the bedroom as soon as we arrived leaving the two snickering oafs behind me.I looked around the room and saw a dress had already been laid out,How did they know? I shook my head and quickly got ready.For my hair i put it into a soft messy braid that draped over my shoulder with a few flowers here and there and did a natural makeup look with skin toned heels that wrapped around my ankle like vines.


I walked out into the hallway and smiled at Demetri and Felix,"I believe the kings will be very pleased." I fidgeted with the bows on my sleeve as we entered the throne room,it was completely empty."The kings will be back shortly,they are retrieving your dinner." I nodded and watched as they left me alone in the huge marble throne room.I slowly walked towards the middle of the throne room as i looked at the beautiful architecture,i didn't even realised i was being watched."The dress looks stunning on you Cara Mia." I heard aro say.I quickly turned and gasped a bit when i saw the three kings standing directly behind me,or should i say Mates? "We apologize for startling you." Caius said as he lifted my hand to kiss my knuckle.I bit my lip,thanks to Marcus i could see our bond growing by each second i was near them. Marcus tucked a strand of stray hair behind my ears,the action sent shivers down my spine,the good kind. "I must confess my dear,i am looking forward to watching you feast." Aro confessed.To many it might seem creepy,but coming from one of my mates was quite romantic,it meant he wanted to see my gift in action.The doors opened showing Heidi leading two couples inside,they were human tourists who had no idea what was about to happen to them. "Buon Appetito." Aro smirked.I watched as Heidi left the room and shut the doors as my mates started attacking the unsuspecting tourists.they feasted on 3 of the tourists and i watched as my meal pounded on the door trying to escape.I slowly and gracefully walked up to the screaming man,i lifted my hand.Vines from a nearby plant began growing and slowly wrapped itself around the man.Once he was completely covered in vines i snapped my finger,thorns shot out and cut him like barbed wire. I could feel three pairs of eyes on me as i licked the blood off my meals neck,i mine as well put on a show."S-Stop..Ple..Please." The man begged,a part of me felt bad for him,but my hunger spoke louder.I bit deep into his neck as the vines grew tighter around him,after a few seconds he choked on his own blood.After i was finished i took a step back,the body fell with a loud thump as the vines released the bloody corpse.I turned towards my mates to see them all staring at me with dark eyes,"My dear,you look divine." Aro cooed as i walked over to them.I licked my lips and saw their eyes follow my tongue as it slid across my blood covered lips. I kissed each of their cheeks,"Perhaps i can show you all more of my more...intimate abilities another time." I smirked at their shocked expressions."Goodnight boys,thanks for dinner." I made sure to sway my hips as i stepped over the corpse in front of the door and left my mates behind. They looked at each other after i left the room,"May the best man win brothers." Marcus spoke.Oh this would be fun.

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