Edward Cullen | Never Let Go

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By : imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl | Tumblr

Pairing: Edward Cullen X Reader

Word count: 950

Inspired by

There he comes again, walking slowly with that smile on his face. Last night he couldn't go to your place. Something Bella did that got her lost. Again. Fixing your hair for the fourth time, you wink at him when he gets closer.

"Hey, you."

"Good morning. Do you have class today?" Edward stops by your side, resting his back against your car. "Mine was canceled."

"Mine too. What about Bella's?"

"She's with her father in Seattle."

"Are you sure she won't call you desperately calling for help?" You sound jealous, but you can't help it. She's always keeping him away from you and it hurts.

"I'm sure."

"Get in then, let's go somewhere beautiful." You give him the keys, taking the passenger seat.

Soon enough you're in the middle of the woods, no sound but the wind and some birds. Edward stops the car and you get out, sitting on a huge rock by the cliff. It's higher than the cliff the wolves have and way more beautiful, with the blue water down there. When he comes to sit by your side, you get self-conscious. He has a girlfriend and you definitely shouldn't feel the urge to kiss him.

"So... Is she alright? Did she trip on her own feet again?"

"(Y/N), we're not here to talk about Bella." His low voice makes you feel like a terribly cruel human being. You want to kiss him. You do and there's no reason to deny it.

"How is your family?"

"They're good. Alice keeps seeing things she won't tell me." He's staring at you, but you struggle to keep your eyes on the trees before you. "Did she tell you anything?"

"Stop reading my mind. And no, she didn't tell me anything."

"Look at me, (Y/N)."

"Do you have any idea how hard this is for me? If I look at you it'll only get worse."

"Why? Because you want to kiss me?" The bastard is smirking, his arms lightly touching yours.

"Nah, now I kinda want to burn you to death." You close your eyes shut when his phone starts ringing.

"I love your sense of humor." Edward answers his phone, immediately standing up and walking away.

It's Bella again. Before he can tell you he has to go, you pick up your bag and head back to your car. Edward gestures for you to wait, but you ignore him, starting your car and locking the doors. You won't cry. You won't. But the cold, hard surface is shattering, followed by bitter tears blurring your sight.

"(Y/N), what is it?" Your mom blocks your way out of the bathroom, crossed arms and a hard expression or her face. "Is it Edward again?"

"You know it is." Resting on the doorframe, you start brushing your hair. "Maybe I should do what you told me. Stay away for a few months."

"You can live with your grandmother on Canada until... Until you feel better."

Canada. You don't want to go, is too far from Edward. It was never an option. Until now, at least.

"Yeah, I may think about it." With a sad smile, you go to your room, throwing yourself on the bed.

You don't want to think about Edward. But that's exactly what you do.

Your mother's yell makes you jump. One thousand things go through your head, but when the possibility of an unknown vampire gets to you, you freeze. Then a lower voice reaches you. Edward's voice. Your favorite voice in the world. Struggling to walk downstairs slowly, you keep a blank expression on your face. He's standing by the doorframe, cordially waiting for you to invite him in like he always does.

"Your favorite voice in the world?" He whispers when I get close enough. "I didn't know that."

"How many times I'll have to tell you not to read my-"

On the same second, his cold lips touch yours. The butterflies in your stomach go insane, but the shivers force you to step back abruptly. Edward's face changes from happiness to regret.

"No!" You shout, immediately hugging him. "It's not that I didn't like it, it was just cold. You're cold. And I didn't see that coming." When you feel his arms around you, holding you close, it feels like the whole world is falling into place. "Sorry, sorry. You know I didn't mean to-"

"What's happening here, Mister Cullen and daughter?" Your mom scares the hell out of you, but you just can't let go of him.

"So, mom, funny story." You start, cleaning your throat.

"I broke up with Bella." He states in a happy voice, making your smile grow wider.

"About time." She winks, walking out and leaving you alone.

"Will you ever let go?" Edward caresses your hair and you can feel his breath.



"If you never let go of me then I'll never let go of you." You pull away a bit, raising your head to look into his eyes. "How does that sound?"

"It sounds great." He ends the distance between you, his lips brushing on yours. "And you want to have pizza to celebrate."

"Oh, how did you guess?"

"Apparently I can read minds." Edward's smirk is the most beautiful thing in the world.

"That's absolutely amazing." You tug on his jacket, pulling him out. "Let's have pizza, Eddie."

"Sure." As he opens the door for you, the smile on your lips doesn't fade.

For the first since you met Edward, you're not afraid of your feelings. And you can notice the happiness on his face too. You know that forever is a whole new level for Edward, but still, you're willing to take it.

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