Paul Lahote | Opposites Attract (II)

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By : it-was-all-a-beautiful-dream | Tumblr

Warnings : Swearing/threatening behaviour?

Word count 1.8k


-Your POV-

He wasn't the person you were expecting to walk through the door. You couldn't tell if you were actually hallucinating because of the alcohol so you walked up to them to look closer. Nope definitely not dreaming. Paul was kinda standing still, jaw a little slack, caught in a daze kind of look as he starred at you. You felt heat rush to your cheeks, he'd never really seen you up close this way before. This felt like the first time he was actually noticing you existed. You looked behind him to see Jacob Black and some of the other guys smirking in your direction. It unnerved you a little.

"Uh, hey guys, what are you doing here?" You sipped on the cocktail in hand, looking at them curiously. Leah looked annoyed. You wondered if they had said something to piss her off. Paul seemed to snap out of his day dream state.

"Um, uh, Leah told us where you were staying we thought we'd swing by and say hey." Paul scratched the back of his head nervously, you looked at him, butterflies erupting in your stomach, either that or you were about to puke. Nope, you were good. Butterflies it was. Leah told them you were here? Weird, you thought the last thing your best friend would want is for them to know where you guys were, you didn't bother questioning it instead you retreated back to the bar while shaking your empty glass at the group that had gathered by the revolving doors.

The man on the bar was probably the same age as Paul, maybe a little younger, he was charming, a little handsome, but he had nothing on Lahote who was standing a meter away from you. As much as you tended to be a goody goody, you did know when a guy was flirting with you, and the bar man, definitely was. You thought you heard a growl from behind you as the man touched your hand while passing you another drink. You turned, Paul's eyes burning into the guys head. Strange. You could hear Jacob telling Paul to calm down. What had his panties in a twist? You smiled at the guy behind the bar then went back over to your group.

"What crawled up his butt?" Alcohol really took away your filter. You thought you had whispered it quietly to Leah but when Embry and Quil laughed out loud while looking at you and Paul you knew they'd heard you. You grinned sheepishly, taking another long sip of your cocktail. Without hesitation, you went and stood right next to Paul, linking your arm through his shaking body. Was he cold? As soon as you touched him the shaking stopped though and he visibly relaxed. You don't know why you were being so brave all of a sudden. Nothing like a bit of liquid confidence.

"Y/N, how many drinks have you had exactly?" Embry laughed from behind you. You were friends with Embry before he had joined Sam's 'gang', he knew exactly how bad your tolerance for alcohol was and he could see you were swaying on your feet slightly. You glared at him, unaware you were still leaning on Paul a little.

"May-maybeee like 5 or.. 8 cocktails?" Paul glared at Leah who shrugged, Jacob winced and Embry and Quil being the goofballs they were laughed again. What? It was your vacation. You could let your hair down if you wanted right?

"God your head is gonna hurt in the morning, let's get you some water." The surprisingly caring words came from Paul. What happened to the big bad player you were used to... maybe he had changed. You pouted, you didn't want to sober up, but for some reason the look Paul gave you made you decide not to argue with him. About to head to the bar for some water, you were stopped. Paul slid passed you and straight towards the guy who had been serving you, he got you the water but said something to the guy at the same time, who looked at you and then his eyes went wide with fear, Leah facepalmed behind you and the guys sighed. Wonder what all that was about?

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