Quil Ateara | No More Darkness

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By : marvelatthetwilight | Tumblr


Quil was your best friend. You did everything together, your families had been friends for years and you had practically known each other since birth. You walked to school together, sat at lunch together, were partners in projects, hung out after school, shared your hopes and your fears, everything that best friends do. Embry and Jacob were like your brothers yes, but with Quil it was always different, like your souls were connected, and you knew each other in a way that no one ever could.

When Embry, and then Jacob disappeared off the face of the earth to suddenly join the Sam gang, you were furious for yourself, but you were devastated for Quil. The whole situation put him on edge, he was constantly anxious that Sam was looking at him in a way he couldn't really explain, like he knew something Quil didn't. That somehow Quil was next.


It was after school on a Friday. You were walking on the beach with Quil, talking about Jacob's recent disappearance and Quil's strange suspicions.

"I saw Jared and Paul this morning, from a distance of course, and they just had this look in their eyes. Like they were wary of me, watching my behaviour. It's like they're waiting for something to happen". He looked defeated, like he was just waiting for the inevitable. "Y/N I just feel like the darkness is closing in on me, like it did for Embry, like it is for Jacob."

"Quil you don't need to feel like that, you know I've always been here for you, I will always be there for you. Even if you do join a gang" I nudge him slightly with this last comment and a small smile forms on his face.

"What would I ever do without you Y/N?"

"Lucky for you, you'll never have to find that out! I don't plan on going anywhere!" You stop walking and wrap your arms around his waist, pulling him in for one of your famous hugs.

"A Y/N hug never fails to disappoint" you can hear the smile in his voice as he replies as he wraps his arms around your body and gives you a small squeeze.


On Monday morning you head to Quil's house to walk to school together like you always do.

You hadn't seen him over the weekend as you'd been dragged to see you grandparents a couple of hours away, which you had told him. He said he was going to catch up on sleep and homework as he had been really tired recently, you thought nothing of it, he's a teenage boy, that happens.

When he stopped replying to your messages on Sunday, you didn't initially think anything was wrong, assuming he was just sleeping and hadn't heard his phone. However, as the day went on, you messaged again, and still heard nothing. When you checked your phone as you woke up Monday morning, you could see he had read your messages but he had still not replied. Something was off.

So here you were, walking up the steps to Quil's house, about to knock on the door...

The door opens, and you frown as you see Embry step out.

"He can't see you Y/N, he's sick. He won't be coming to school, you need to walk in by yourself." Embry won't make eye contact with you, like he knows you will see straight through his lie, but you leave it. You've got a big test this morning, you'll get to the bottom of this later.

"I'll be back after school."

"He'll still be sick then and won't be able to see you then." This time he looks down at you, and you take in the changes in the person you saw as a brother. He's taller, filled out with muscle, not the skinny scrawny boy you grew up with. He has a tattoo on his arm now too, the same tattoo you had seen on Paul and Jared.

"What happened Embry? You look so different. What did Sam do to you?"

He frowns at this. "Sam has helped me, helped us, like he's going to help Quil. You just need to leave Y/N, I'm sorry."

With that, he closes the door.


You keep texting Quil throughout the day, hoping that this wasn't really happening, that you weren't losing another friend. You heard nothing. The same ghosting as you had from Embry, and Jacob.

You never thought that Quil could ghost you, that your connection was so deep it couldn't be broken. Quil would never do that, you thought.

There was so much more to all of this than either you or Quil had thought.

You get through your school day, acing your test, but sitting alone at lunch. Alone with your thoughts, putting together a plan. This was the last straw, you rolled over and accepted the loss of Embry, the loss of Jacob, but you weren't losing Quil.

As the school day finishes you send Quil a final text before you walk back to his house.

I'm coming over. I'm not taking no for an answer. You won't see me? I'm not leaving.


You walk up the steps to Quil's front door, again the door opens before you have a chance to knock, but this time you recognise it to be Sam, although you've only ever seen him from a distance. Your text must have called in the big guns.

"He can't see you Y/N, you know this." He looks at you in sympathy and you can't stand it.

"But why? Why are you taking all of my friends away? You know I'm completely alone now? Embry, Jacob, Quil, they were my life, my best friends, my family. Now I have no one." Tears are rolling down your face before you can stop them and a heart wrenching sob leaves your mouth as the words ring true in your heart.

Sam glances behind him and you hear a slight commotion. "Let me see her" you hear. "Embry you know she won't leave until I do, Sam, let me see her."

Sam sighs as he pushes the door open fully. You gasp as your eyes fix with Quil's, his eyes widen and he doesn't break eye contact as you notice Embry and Sam smirking at each other.

"Er...Quil? Are you ok?" Your voice brings him back to reality, and he shoves Embry as he makes an aww sound whilst looking between the two of you. Quil looks to Sam, who nods and he quickly grabs your hand and starts walking with you towards the woods.


You slow your pace as you reach the edge of the woods. Quil stops, and turns so you are facing each other, he takes both your hands in his and looks into your eyes. He's never looked at me like this before.

Something stirs inside you, feelings you'd put aside years ago, knowing that nothing would come of them, that Quil would only ever think of you as a sister. But something seemed different.

"There's a lot I need to explain to you, a lot. But for now I just need to tell you that...you, and me, what we have is really special. For years I've loved you, and not like a sister line Embry or Jake. I love you. And now something in me has stirred to give me the confidence to tell you how I really feel."

Your hands are shaking.

"Y/N, I don't know if you feel the same, if you've ever felt that way about me but I needed to tell you..." Quil looks to the side before speaking again, "you know that darkness I talked about? That feeling of doom? Well, I when I finally understood what was happening, which I promise I will explain, I thought that darkness would disappear. But it didn't. I still felt it, until that door opened and I looked at you."

He brings your hands up to his face, kissing them softly.

"One look at you, and, poof, no more darkness"

He smiles softly at you. "You don't have to say anything, I just needed to be brave, be honest."

If Quil can be brave then so can I, you thought.

"...I've always been in love with you Quil, I feel like our souls are connected in some magical way, that we are, I dunno...it sounds stupid. Like we are soul mates or something."

He smiles at you again, gently pulling your face up to his and kissing you softly on the lips. He laughs before speaking again.

"Yeah, or something"

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