Paul Lahote | Just Almost Dead

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By : imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl | Tumblr

 Requested by anon: Can you write an imagine with Paul where you get hurt and a pack fight and the entire pack flips out?

Pairing: Paul Lahote X Reader

Word count: 820

"What is it again?" The first thing you notice when you step out of your car is the yelling and the eye roll you get from Jacob, who's standing at the door frame.

"Sam, Embry and Quil." He gestures to the backyard. "I don't know the reason."

"Oh, God. Is Paul here?"

"He's coming." Jacob gives you a quick hug before opening the front door.

"No need, I want to talk to them." You walk fast, ignoring how Jacob tries to make you give up any idea you have in mind.

"Why don't you just wait for Paul somewhere safe?"

"I'll be fine." You spot them yelling at each other, ready for a physical fight. "Hey, hey, what's going on?"

"(Y/N)! Stay away." Sam shouts, but you roll your eyes, walking closer.

"Nah, I don't think so. Can you tell me what's going on?"

"She is my imprint!" Quil groans and your attention is drawn back to the fight.

"Do you think I care about that bitch?"

That's it. Quil's body starts to shake and before you can think, you're between the two wolves, trying not to let them get hurt. They're your family and you absolutely hate when they fight against each other. But then it happens. You're violently pushed back, your head hitting a rock. You have no idea where you find the strength to keep your eyes open. It's pretty scary actually, to feel half your body in pain. In fact, you've never felt this much pain in your life.

"Shit, no."

"Is she dead?"

"No, she's just almost dead." You can't recognize their voices, lying there on the cold, hard ground.

"Go call the Cullen." Sam's voice is low and cold as he pushes Quil away when he tries to pick you up. "Out. You'll only make it worse."

"My God, what are we gonna do. (Y/N) can't die."

"Shut up, Embry, she won't die."

In that chaos, you find yourself in a bed, and that's when your sight gets clear again. Five wolves hang above you, like babysits, scanning your every move. Groaning, you try to sit up.

"No, no, no. Stay still." Embry tells you as all of them have the same instinct: try to reach you to make you lay back down.

"Why are you all in here?" You mutter, touching your head, which aches like someone hit you with a rock. Wait. Actually, it kinda happened. "You bastards, you could've killed me!"

"We know and we're so, so, so sorry." Quil sits beside you but one second later Sam pushes him away.

"Step back, you'll hurt her."

"(Y/N), you have no idea how much I'm sorry. Honestly, I don't know what would happen to me if-"

"What would happen to the pack." Jacob interrupts Embry, crossing his arms. "In hard times you're pretty much what keeps the pack from killing each other." He makes a pause, and you can notice the wolves getting tense. "Brace yourselves, Paul is here."

Just when Jacob finishes his sentence, Paul storm inside the small bedroom, the only thing keeping him from immediately punching Embry and Quil's faces is the fact that you're lying on the bed in a lot of pain. "(Y/N), what did they do to you?"

"It was an accident." You caress his cheek while he checks on you. "I'm in pain, but there are no broken bones."

"What the hell were you thinking?" Paul yells, making the walls shake a bit. "How many times I'll have to remind you that she's human? One move and you can hurt her!"

"Babe, they're sorry. You know it, you can feel."

"Yeah, but it doesn't change the fact that-"

"I will punish them, don't worry." You move a bit trying to get comfortable, just to wince in pain again. "Until I feel perfectly fine they'll have to do everything I want."

"Like what?" Quil asks abruptly.

"Like buy me painkillers and chocolate ice-cream." Quil keeps staring at you, raising his eyebrows. "I mean it, Quil."

"Alright." He leaves quickly, exchanging a glance with Embry.

"Embry, go to my place and pick up some clothes, I don't think I'm going anywhere for a while."

"Done." He leaves as well, running into something in the hall.

"They love you." Sam whispers.

"It's the imprint thing, right? You have to protect each other's imprint." You state as Paul carefully sits by your side, holding your hand.

"Yes, but they really like you." He looks at the window, a spark of anger in his eyes. "Carlisle is here to see you."

"Okay." You smile to yourself to notice how pissed Sam is to have a Cullen here. But it makes you feel happy because even though you're in a lot of pain, it's good to know that the boys regret hurting you and they'll always be here for you. You're a big, very weird family. The best family you could have.

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