Demetri Volturi | Always Have, Always Will

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By : marvelatthetwilight | Tumblr


Greece circa 1000 AD

Two figures rush down an alley hand in hand, gazing into each other's eyes. The young man with his fair hair and olive complexion, turns to the young woman beside him and kisses her deeply.

"I love you." She whispers softly to him.

"I love you Y/N, always have, always will" he says, his voice gravelly and raspy through desire, as he rests his head against Y/N's.

"When will I see you again Dem?" Y/N whispers as Demetri places another lingering kiss to her lips.

"As soon as I can my love" he promises, before they are interrupted by a dark haired couple entering the alleyway.

They spring apart, Y/N fixing her hair as Demetri inspects the coins in his purse.

As soon as the couple leave, Demetri entwines his fingers with Y/N's before she places a final quick kiss to his lips.

"I love you Demetri, with all my being." Demetri smiles a small, sad smile. "I hate that you have to leave."

"I know, I know. But remember. My heart will always belong to you Y/N. Forever." They link little fingers, leaning forward to kiss each other's entwined hand. A small laugh leaving both their lips, they come together once again for one final, desperate kiss.

Catching sight of a tear falling down her cheek, Demetri quickly wipes it away.

"I promise I will see you soon. I promise."


Present Day, Volterra, Italy

"Demetri, Felix, Alec and Jane. We have a mission for you." Marcus calls down the hallway to the group gathered at the end. "Come with me."

"Yes Master." They all reply as they follow him towards the great hall.

"There have been some disturbances in London, we need you to...neutralise it." Aro says quietly.

"Demetri, I need you to look for an old friend...George...we have reason to believe he is involved." Marcus adds, looking to Demetri with a serious look in his eye.

"George? I thought he was dead?" Felix asks, looking between Marcus and Demetri.

"We have reason to believe he is alive. Something, or someone has hidden him all this time from us. The British coven have called upon us to help them." Marcus replies, and Caius' face contorts with disgust.

"The British coven. Ugh. Hilarious how he is asking us for help now, after everything." Caius says bitterly.

Jane and Alec share a look.

"Now now brother. Many years have passed, I'm sure we can forgive Gabriel now. He believes George may have something we want...if we can find him." Aro turns his attention to the twins.

"I know each time you return to England there is a...blip...shall we say. Please keep damage limited." He whispers to them, they both nod turning to follow Demetri and Felix as they walk through the large doors.


"I can't work out what I hate more, going to see Carlisle in wet and cold Washington...or going to see Gabriel in the wet and cold London..." Felix mutters as he peers out at the torrential rain outside.

"Old friends, I promise it isn't always like this." Gabriel announces as he enters the room, looking round at Alec, Jane, Demetri and Felix sat in the entry way of the British Coven's headquarters.

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