Paul Lahote | Fate Is Weird (III)

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By : ineedmorefanfics2 | Tumblr

Warnings: Blood, Fighting, Angst, Hate, Jealousy


"Auntie Y/N! Auntie Y/N!" Renesmee yelled as she ran up to the young woman's room.

Y/N was thrown out of her thoughts as she watched the young girl approach. "What's up Nessie?"

"I wanted to cheer you up so me and Grandma Esme baked you a cake. Ta da!" The girl pulled out a lopsided chocolate cake covered in green frosting and a plethora of rainbow sprinkles.

"Awe Nessie! You didn't have to do that. I love it!" Placing it on her nightstand, she gave Renesmee and hug.

"Try it Auntie Y/N!"

"How about we put the cake in the fridge and share it with Jacob when he comes over later. Sound good?"

Satisfied with her answer the little girl ran downstairs, cake in her hands and smile on her face.

Y/N walked downstairs with a grin.

"You seem happier." Esme observed.

"Kids will do that to you." She joked. "Thank you for putting her up to it ma." She gave the other woman a hug.

"Anything for my babies." She laughed pinching Y/N's cheeks.

A knock on the door interrupted their thoughts. The smell of wet dog wafting throughout the house.

"Seth!" Y/N yelled as she threw open the door and jumped into the young pups arms.

He let out a chuckle as he held her close. "Do you mind going for a walk with me? I think we should talk."

"Of course." She smiled, waving at her family before heading out with Seth.


"Has anyone seen Seth?" Leah asked.



"Thought he was with you."

"I thought he was with you." Embry accused.

"He's probably still cooling off. Dude was pretty pissed yesterday."

"What did you guys do?" Jacob asked.

"He was mad that we were making fun of his vampire girlfriend or whatever."

"You should've seen it Jacob! Dude put a dent through Emily's kitchen table."

"Well maybe if you stopped aggravating him, that wouldn't have happened." Emily quipped.

"We're not the ones who imprinted on a leech."

"It's not like I chose my imprint asshole." Paul sneered.

"The Cullens aren't even that bad. And Y/N is pretty sweet." Jacob shrugged.

"Here we go again."

"You're just sucking up to them because you're going to end up dating their kid." Embry teased before getting smacked on the back of the head by Sam.

"I'll go look for Seth."

"No I'll do it. I've got to talk to the kid anyways." Paul mumbled as he got up and walked away.

"...Emily you got anymore potato salad?"


Smack. "Ow!"


"And they kept saying these mean things and I don't know... I- I just snapped." He finished.

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