Demetri Volturi | With Our Hands Tied (I)

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By : avyannadawn | tumblr

Pairing: Demetri Volturi x Female Reader

Warning: fighting, blood, language- thats all i could spot, lmk if there is more :)


Demetri had seen plenty of odd things over the millennia of his lifetime. Being as old as he is, he got a front-row seat to most weird things.

But, hearing of a vampire-fighting ring? That was new. Creative, reckless and stupid. But new.

Aro had dismissed him, Felix, Jane and Alec to check it out. Sending them to play spy for him, but it was hard to play the part of a spy when the entire vampire world knows who you are.

Upon arrival, the four guards scouted out the area, committing it to memory for Aro. Whispers went around the building of the four guards arrival, murmurs of curiosity as to why they were there.

Long after the four guards loitered around the area, a young blond man led them off, ranting about a particular fight that was to occur. Upon hearing of a young woman who was to fight, Demetri started buzzing. His nerves rattled him as anticipation for the fight ebbed him slowly into an anxious trance. Felix nudged him subtly, tilting his head as he stared at his friend. Demetri shook his head, his mind racing as his eyes darted around.

The blond ranted on, seemingly unaware that no one was listening. He led the group into a small room, dimly lit by neon strip lights. The blue hues cast a deep glow on the massive window separating what looked like the fighting ring and them.

An enclosed circle in the middle of an overcrowded room lay beyond the glass, vampires swarming the ring.

A flash caught his eye. Demetri tilted his head, watching as a woman stepped out onto the ring. With her head raised and shoulders back, she wrapped her fists in cloth. Demetri saw red, his body flashing before the blond. He gripped the front of his shirt, bring the boy close to him. "That woman better not be fighting."

The blond laughed, a smirk plastered on his face. "Oh, she absolutely is."

"Get her out of there. She's a human." Demetri spat rage and worry evident in his eyes as his gaze floated to you. The other guards looked to him, confused. "D, what is the problem?"

"Get her out. Now." He turned to the vampire in charge, his vermillion eyes gleaming. The blond raised his hands, shaking his head as he smirked at Demetri. "No can do. That little human is our main source of income. And I do not care who you work for or what you do. She is staying in that ring and fighting."

Anxiety ebbed into every ounce of him, consuming him as he looked towards you once more. You rolled your head, eyes directed towards the gate as if waiting. Demetri knew something was coming, and he hated not knowing what. Alec was the one that stepped forward, face stoic as he spoke, "what is a human doing in a vampire-fighting ring?"

"Oh, no, she ain't no normal human. Just wait and see. That little girlie will knock your socks off." He rubbed his hands together, walking up to the glass. The blond rapped his fist against it, drawing in the attention of other vampires surrounding the ring. They all nodded to him. One waved his hand in the air, counting down as he raised a fist.

The other guy joined in, the girl- his mate tensed, squaring her shoulders at the sound. Her head tilted, catching the eyes of Demetri. They squinted a fraction before snapping back to the gate immediately as it blew open.

His heart, if it still beat, would've stopped the moment he saw the giant walk through the entrance. The giant, a man, who was slightly bigger than Felix, chuckled. His crimson eyes darkening as they saw you. Dear God, no.

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